
My personal Crystal Linux dot files for setup ⚡.

Primary LanguagePython


My personal Crystal Linux dot files for setup ⚡.


# Update system packages entirely

sudo pacman -Syu 

# Install paru AUR helper

sudo pacman -S --needed base-devel
git clone https://aur.archlinux.org/paru.git
cd paru
makepkg -si

# Installing all dependencies for the rice to work

paru -S hyprland-git polkit-kde-agent dunst grimblast rofi rofi-emoji wl-clipboard wf-recorder wlogout grimblast-git hyprpicker-git hyprpaper-git xdg-desktop-portal-hyprland-git ffmpegthumbnailer tumbler wtype colord imagemagick wezterm gtklock qt5-wayland qt6-wayland ripgrep waybar-hyprland-git micro google-chrome visual-studio-code-bin blueman catppuccin-gtk-theme-mocha catppuccin-cursors-mocha catppuccin-mocha-grub-theme-git nwg-look cava pavucontrol ranger zsh starship neovim viewnior noise-suppression-for-voice thunar thunar-archive-plugin file-roller terminus-font-ttf spotify otf-font-awesome

# Rebuilding font cache

fc-cache -rv