
a website that provides a platform for individuals and organizations to donate food and funds to combat hunger. We will partner with food banks and other organizations to distribute the donations to those in need.

Primary LanguageHTML


I have made this Website in Makeathon5 Hackathon organised by Microsoft Learn Chapter TIET(MLSC) at Thapar university.

Problem Statement: Participants are encouraged to develop innovative solutions that address the issue of world hunger. This could include solutions for food production, distribution, waste reduction, and other related issues. The solution should be easily scalable to the masses.

A website that provides a platform for individuals and organizations to donate food and funds to combat hunger. We will partner with food banks and other organizations to distribute the donations to those in need.

USP of our product: The USP (Unique Selling Proposition) of the problem statement of addressing world hunger is that it is a pressing global issue that affects millions of people around the world. It is an urgent problem that requires innovative and scalable solutions to ensure that everyone has access to nutritious and affordable food. Developing solutions for food production, distribution, waste reduction, and other related issues not only addresses the immediate problem of hunger but also has long-term benefits for communities, such as reducing poverty, improving health outcomes, and promoting sustainable development. By developing a website that addresses this problem statement, We can have the opportunity to make a significant impact on people's lives, and We can contribute to a more equitable and sustainable future for all.

Tech Stack (Languages) : Html, CSS