
Primary LanguageVerilogApache License 2.0Apache-2.0



This is a small out-of-order RISC-V core written in synthesizable Verilog that supports the RV64IC unprivileged ISA and parts of the privileged ISA, namely M-mode.

Feature List

  • It currently supports RISC-V I extension
  • It currently supports M mode
  • It's a double issue architecture
  • It supports scalar register renaming
  • It currently supports only in-order issue from the issue queue
  • It has a ROB to do in-order committment
  • When an exception or an interrupt happens, the ROB will be responsible of when to trigger flush
  • It supports dynamic branch prediction(gshare)
  • It support out-of-order execution
  • nonblocking cache

Block Diagram

Pipeline Stages


1. Fetch

Instructions are fetched from Icache and pushed into a FIFO queue, known as the instruction buffer(fetch buffer) . Looking up the branch target buffer also occurs in this stage, redirecting the fetched instructions as necessary

F0 stage:

PC_gen will generate the correct PC, the pirority is :*Backend-end redirct target -> predicted PC -> PC+4*.

Meanwhile, Let PC do hashing with BHR, and get the hash index for Gshare.

F1 stage:

Sent the PC to Icache for instruction request


Use PC to index a BTB entry and get*pc_pred.*

Use the hash value to index Gshare and get*taken or not-taken*.

F2 stage:

The response from Icache is put into a FIFO instruction buffer

Sent*pc+4* to the PC_gen

In Redirct logic, if Gshare predicts taken, it will sent pc_pred to PC_gen. Otherwise, pc_gen makes no sense.

2. Decode

F3 stage

In this stage, it pulls instructions out of the instruction buffer and generates the appropriate micro-op($\mu$op) to place into the pipeline
  • decode <=2 instruction per cycle

3. Issue

F4 stage

The ISA, or “logical”, register specifiers (e.g. x0-x31) are then*renamed* into “physical” register specifiers

Every instruction will do dependency check with its previous instruction to decide whether instructions will be double issued.

$\mu$op sitting in the head of ROB wait until all of their source registers are ready and they can read their operand then be issued.  This is the beginning of the out–of–order piece of the pipeline.
  • Double issue conditions:
    1. There is no dependency between the two instructions
    2. Function units are both ready
    3. Only arithemetic and load/store instructions can be double issued. (excluding conditional,csr, wfi etc.)

4. Execute F5 stage Instructions enter the Execute stage where the functional units reside. Issued ALU operations perform their calculation and get results.

For load&store instruction, first the address are calculated and put into the FIFO load/store queue. The instrution at the head of the queue sends request to Dcache if Dcache is ready.

5. Wrieback F6 stage results are written back to physical registers when completing instruction and update ROB status

  • About branch prediction If it's a branch instruction, the result will update Gshare and GHR. If it's mispredicted, the instruction buffer will be flushed, and instructions will be fetched from the other path.

6. Instruction commit The Reorder Buffer (ROB), tracks the status of each instruction in the pipeline. When the head of the ROB is not-busy, the ROB commits the instruction.

  • instructions will be commited in order in ROB according to program order, at most 2 instructions can be commited at the same time

Blcok Description

Instruction Fetch Unit

F0: PC generation

Select the current pc address, whether it comes from a jump instruction or whether to judge branch in BTB and gshare or whether it comes from an exception. The default value is pc+4.

F1: fetch instruction

Instructions from Icache are put into the instruction buffer.


Perform pc+4 or use the pc from other places.

  • content
| PC |
  • input/output
  • signal I/O width description interaction
    is_req_pc I 1 judge if btb need wirte in fu
    btb_req_pc I 32 btb needed pc fu
    btb_predict_target I 32 btb needed target pc fu
    prev_pc I 32 pc to gshare fu
    prev_branch_in I 1 if this pc is a branch or jump fu
    prev_taken I 1 if this branch is taken fu
    rd_en I 1 decode is ready and want a instruction decoder
    pc_out O 32 a pc out decoder
    next_pc_out O 32 this pc out plus 4 decoder
    instruction_out O 32 this pc's instruction decoder
    valid_real_branch I 1 if fu give a valid real branch fu
    real_branch I 32 this real branch or jump branch pc fu
    trap I 1 judge trap writeback
    mret I 1 judge mret writeback
    trap_vector I 32 vector of trap csr
    mret_vector I 32 vector of mret csr
    stall I 1 if need stall hazard
    invalidate I 1 if is invalidate hazard
    fetch_address O 32 pc address busio
    fetch_data I 32 instruction busio
    exception_valid_o O 1 exception valid csr
    ecause_o O 1 exception cause csr



instructions first go into the BTB, if there is a hit, pc = pc_from_btb; if match fail, PC = PC +4, after execute stage, BTB will be update

Revision History

Revision Number Author Date Description
0.1 Xinze Wang 2022.08.10 init
0.2 Xinze Wang 2022.08.18 update self check
  • content [x_btb] entry:
| pc_current | pc_target|
  • input/output
  • signal I/O width description interaction
    pc_in I 32 from PC_gen fetch
    next_pc_out O 32 =pc_target or =pc_current fetch
    token O 1 to instruction buffer fetch
    req_pc I 32 update btb execute
    predict_target I 32 update btb execute


instructions first go into the Gshare, and Gshare will give a prediction, and at execute stage, this prediction will update

content [gshare] entry:

Revision History

Revision Number Author Date Description
0.1 Qiaowen Yang 2022.08.10 init
| gshare |
  • input/output
  • signal I/O width description interaction
    pc I 32 from PC_gen fetch
    cur_pred O 1 give a prediction fetch
    prev_branch_in I 1 whether prev instr is branch execute
    prev_taken I 1 whether prev instr taken execute
    prev_pred I 1 prev instr pred result execute
    prev_mispred O 1 whether prev instr mispred execute

instruction buffer

Revision History

Revision Number Author Date Description
0.1 Xinze Wang 2022.08.10 init
  • content [x_ib] entry:

    | PC(32)| instruction(32) | btb_tag
  • input/output

  • signal I/O width description interaction
    pc_in I 32 from PC_gen fetch
    next_pc_in I 32 from PC_gen fetch
    instruction_in I 32 from PC_gen fetch
    pc_out O 32 give to decode decode
    next_pc_out O 32 give to decode decode
    instruction_out O 32 give to decode decode
    wr_en I 1 want write fetch
    ins_full O 1 stall pc in fetch
    rd_en I 1 judge decode is ready decode

Instruction Decode Unit



This decoder supports RV64I instructions. It gets the instr from fetch unit and gives the result to ROB unit. For branch instr, it will output a stall flag, until everything is ready.

Revision History

Revision Number Author Date Description
0.1 Guohua Yin 2022.08.16 init
0.2 Guohua Yin 2022.08.22 update


Item Name Description
decode decode the instruction in-order from the instruction buffer
  • content
  • input/output
  • signal I/O width description interaction
    clk I 1 clock signal
    rstn I 1 reset signal, active low, asynchronous reset
    pc_in I 32 get the pc from fetch unit instr buffer
    next_pc_in I 32 get the next pc from fetch unit instr buffer
    instruction_in I 32 get the instr from fetch fetch
    valid_in I 1 get the valid signal fetch
    ready_in I 1 get the ready signal rob
    branch_back I 1 handle the branch stall fu
    trapped I 1 pipeline control fu
    wfi_in I 1 pipeline control fu
    csr_data I 64 get csr data csr
    csr_readable I 1 flag about reading from csr csr
    csr_writeable I 1 flag about writing to csr csr
    csr_address O 12 give to csr csr
    uses_rs1 O 1 use rs1 rob
    uses_rs2 O 1 use rs2 rob
    uses_rd O 1 use rd rob
    uses_csr O 1 use csr rob
    pc_out O 32 give to rob the pc rob
    next_pc_out O 32 give to rob the next pc rob
    is_csr O 1 flag about csr rob
    write_select_out O 2 write select out signal rob
    rd_address_out O 5 give to rob rob
    csr_address_out O 12 give to rob rob
    mret_out O 1 give to rob rob
    wfi_out O 1 give to rob rob
    ecause_out O 4 give to rob rob
    exception_out O 1 exception rob
    half O 1 give to rob rob
    valid_out O 1 valid flag rob
    ready_out O 1 tell fecth can read fetch
    csr_read_out O 1 read signal rob
    csr_write_out O 1 csr write signal rob
    csr_readable_out O 1 csr can be read rob
    csr_writeable_out O 1 can write csr rob
    csr_data_out O 64 to rob alu rob
    imm_data_out O 32 to rob alu about immed-data rob
    alu_function_out O 3 to rob alu rob
    alu_function_modifier_out O 1 to rob alu rob
    alu_select_a_out O 2 alu select signal:a rob
    alu_select_b_out O 2 alu select signal:b rob
    cmp_function_out O 3 compare function signal rob
    jump_out O 1 to rob branch rob
    branch_out O 1 to rob branch rob
    is_alu_out O 1 to rob (lsu) rob
    load_out O 1 to rob (lsu) rob
    store_out O 1 to rob (lsu) rob
    load_store_size_out O 2 to rob (lsu) rob
    load_signed_out O 1 to rob (lsu) rob


Revision History

Revision Number Author Date Description
0.1 Yihai Zhang 2022.08.12 init
2.0 Yifei Zhu 2022.08.24 init


Item Name Description
rename table rename the architecture register to physical one
rename table backup rename table recovery from backup when trap or branch
free list record the free physical register address
reorder buffer store the corresponding data of each instruction
physical register -



rename table

Operation port Description
write one write port write from free list when rob ready to be written
read one read port read when rob ready to be written
flush one flush port roll back to backup when trap comes
reset - when reset signal

rename table backup

Operation port Description
- - used for rename table rolling back itself
reset - when reset signal

physical register file

Operation port Description
write two write ports write when function unit finish
read two read ports read when rob ready to issue
flush two flush port set finish bit to regfile to indicate regfile has used
reset - when reset signal

free list (a fifo)

Operation port Description
write one write port write when instr commit
read one read port read when rob ready to be written
reset - when reset signal

reorder buffer

Item Name Width Description
rob op - to buffer data from decode for the use of pc, lsu, alu, csr and exception
use 1 bit indicate whether rob is used
issue 1 bit indicate whether rob issued
commit 1 bit indicate whether rob is commited
finish 1 bit indicate whether function unit writeback finished
exception 1 bit indicate whether the instr raise an exception
prs1 6 bit the mapped physical resource reg1 after renaming
prs2 6 bit the mapped physical resource reg2 after renaming
prd 6 bit the mapped physical destination reg after renaming
rd 5 bit the architecture reg before ranaming
lprd 6 bit the mapped reg which is replaced


Revision History

Revision Number Author Date Description
0.1 Peichen Guo 2022.08.10 init


Item Name Description
AGU Address Generation Unit
Address Checker to check address validation
Control Unit to interact with dcache and send stall


  • LSU top diagram


LSU(Load Store Unit)


decode interface:

Name Group Width Direction Description
//global interface
clk 1 1 input clock signal.
rstn 1 1 input reset signal, active low, asynchronous reset.
stall 1 RCT_EXE_STG_NUM input high to indicate that stall the lsu pipeline.
//Interface with ROB
valid_i 1 1 input input valid signal,当指令为SL指令时置1,启动LSU
rob_index_i 1 ROB_INDEX_WIDTH input ROB slot id,需要和zyh进一步商量
rd_addr_i 1 5 input rd addr,可能不需要,在没有ROT的情况下输入这个地址仅仅是因为需要进行rd != x0的判断,decoder也可以做。但如果有ROB的情况就需要rd addr了
imm_i 1 XLEN input immediate ,符号扩展的XLEN位立即数,此处是地址偏移量
opcode_i 1 1 input 1是store,0是load
size_i 1 2 input size of operation, 00是byte,01是half word, 10是word,11是double word
load_sign_i 1 1 input sign of load, 1是unsigned
ROB_index_o 1 ROB_INDEX_WIDTH output ROB Index out,代表会回填到哪行
ls_done_o 1 1 output ls 完成
lsu_ready_o 1 1 output lsu is ready or not
//Interface with dcache
TODO: 还没有商量
//Interface with PRF
rs2_data_i 1 XLEN input src2 data,在store里是src reg,也就是store的数据
rs1_data_i 1 XLEN input rs1 data,在sl中是基址寄存器
rd_addr_o 1 5 output reg 回填地址
load_data_valid_o 1 1 output load data有效,这次回填的指令是load
load_data_o 1 XLEN output load data
//Interface with Exception handler
exception_valid_o 1 1 output just for unit test, will be changed when exceprion handler is designed
ecause_o 1 5 output just for unit test, will be changed when exceprion handler is designed

Decode Interface:

Name Group Width Direction Description
//global interface
clk 1 1 input clock signal
rstn 1 1 input reset signal, active low, asynchronous reset
stall 1 RCT_EXE_STG_NUM input high to indicate that stall the lsu pipeline
//Interface with ROB
valid_i 1 1 input input valid signal, set 1 when the instruction is SL, and start
rob_index_i 1 ROB_INDEX_WIDTH input ROB slot id, further discussion with zyh is required
rd_addr_i 1 5 input rd address
imm_i 1 XLEN input immediate, symbol extended XLEN bit immediate number, here is the address offset
opcode_i 1 1 input 1 represent 'store',0 represent 'load'
size_i 1 2 input size of operation, '00' represent 'byte','01' represent 'half word', '10' represent 'word', '11' represent 'double' word
load_sign_i 1 1 input sign of load, 1 represent 'unsigned'
ROB_index_o 1 ROB_INDEX_WIDTH output ROB Index out, which represent which line to be backfilled
ls_done_o 1 1 output ls done
lsu_ready_o 1 1 output lsu is ready or not
exception_valid_o 1 1 output just for unit test, will be changed when exceprion handler is designed
ecause_o 1 5 output just for unit test, will be changed when exceprion handler is designed
//Interface with dcache
req_valid_o 1 1 output request valid
req_opcode_o 1 1 output 0 for load, 1 for store
req_size_o 1 2 output opcode[2] stands for unsigend; opcode[1:0] stands for ls width
req_addr_o 1 ADDR_WIDTH output request address
req_data_o 1 XLEN output request data
req_ready_i 1 1 input request ready
resp_valid_i 1 1 input response valid
resp_data_i 1 XLEN input response data
resp_ready_o 1 1 output response ready
//Interface with PRF
rs2_data_i 1 XLEN input src2 data,the src reg, which is the data of the store, is in the store
rs1_data_i 1 XLEN input rs1 data,it is the base address register in sl
rd_addr_o 1 5 output reg backfill address
load_data_valid_o 1 1 output load data is valid, backfill the load instruction this time
load_data_o 1 XLEN output load data


Guohua Yin,; Xinze Wang,; Yihai Zhang,; Qiaowen Yang,; Zhenxuan Luan,; Peichen Guo,; Minzi Wang,; Guangyuan Ma,; Yucheng Wang,; Shenwei Hu,; Yifei Zhu,


Verification suite includes unit test and regression test. We choose open source tool Verilator as simulator. In the module RTL design stage, the verifiers and designers firstly make clear the top-level signals and functions of the module, building an independent verification environment for submodules (such as Cache, Decoder, Gshare, etc.) that need to be verified. We give the module specific inputs and check whether the outputs meet the design expectations of the module functions, so as to accelerate the progress of RTL design.

After the preliminary completion of core design, the function of the core should be verified. Since Verilator compiles RTL code into C++ code and then runs the simulation, we use C++ to write a simulating memory and load Elf in it, so that core (including Icache and Dcache) interacts with memory, forming a basic computer system, and verifying the correctness of core functions. Step 1: Run isa-test given by RISC-V international to check whether the operation of a single instruction is correct. After passing isa-test, we decide to use RISC-V torture as stimulation for regression test, and iteratively fix our code during the testing process. The current system can achieve 99.99% accuracy when running 10000 torque test samples.

HeHe's Soc is equipped with instruction RAM and data RAM, in addition to the ILA interface. Our Soc verification scheme is to load Elf's instruction segments and data segments into the corresponding RAM, and then reset the core to start running the test program. Check whether the running results are correct through ila.

Work Load Division

Front-end group: Xinze Wang(BTB, Fetch), Qiaowen Yang(Gshare), Guohua Yin(Decoder)

Back-end group: Yihai Zhang(ROB,renaming), Peichen Guo(Hazard), Mingzi Wang(Cache),

Validation group: Xinlai Wan, Guangyuan Ma, Yucheng Wang, Shenwei Hu,

SOC: Qiaowenyang

Top module: Zhenxuan Luan, Yifei Zhu