Anonymization of requests for proposal using artificial intelligence
This repository contains a code that aims to anonymize RFP texts using Groq fast AI Inference and llama 3 as well as a user interface with streamlit
To begin, you will need to clone this GitHub repository by running this command in the command prompt :
$ git clone []
Navigate to the project directory:
$ cd RFP-anonymization
Install the required packages:
$ pip install -r req.txt
$ python
First, you will need to install streamlit by running the following command in the command prompt :
$ pip install streamlit
you can then run the streamlit app directly:
$ streamlit run
Streamlit will then launch a local web server and open your app in the default web browser. You can interact with your app through the browser. To stop the Streamlit server, go back to the command prompt and press Ctrl + C.