
Play Novel: Silent Hill GBA ROM translation

Primary LanguageC

Silent Hill Play Novel Translation


Copy the BPS/IPS patch release for your chosen language and apply it to the original game ROM.

Building the patches

Run make help in top level directory to learn about build configuration and supported targets.

Run ./build/shpn_tool to learn about tool usage.

Project structure:

  • src: tool source code
  • agb: GBA ROM code patches
  • scripts: translation scripts
  • test: tool tests

Adding a new translation

The preferred approach is to simply copy and modify an existing translation:

  • Harry or Cybil are the respective character scenarios, obtained from script disassembly. The strings present in the script can be translated directly. Additionally, the script itself may be modified if needed. Note that shpn_tool performs automated text wrapping when embedding a script, so the long lines should not be split manually unless non-standard layout is needed.
  • strtab_menu and strtab_script contain additional strings that are not referenced directly in the scripts.

Historically, the first translation was bootstrapped as follows:

  • Embed the fully translated strtabs.
  • Dump the resulting scripts.

Debugging script execution

Obtain the target command address ADDR by dumping the script and inspecting the generated commentary. Play until a HandleInput, connect via gdb, and execute

 p *(int*)0x3002070=ADDR

to set the next command address to ADDR.

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