
Using tcs34725, nodemcu ESP8266, and connect with Firebase to store data in a real-time database.

Primary LanguageC++


Using tcs34725, nodemcu ESP8266, and connect with Firebase to store data in a real-time database.

Add 2 zip library to your Arduino IDE :

  1. An Arduino library for the ESP8266 firebase
    Follow the tutorial for better setup ESP8266 with firebase
  2. An Arduino library for the Adafruit TCS34725

If having an error :
1. NodeMCU ESP8266 kFirebaseFingerprint Error (Error Compiling For Board NodeMCU 1.0)
Make sure change
  • board managers : ESP8266 Board version is 2.7.4
  • Include library : Arduino Json Library Version is 5.x
2. Fairebase.failed() is always true with empty Firebase.error -> FirebaseExtended/firebase-arduino#474