
ஒற்றன்(Ottran) allows you to find the size and type of a remote image by downloading as little as possible. Supports PNG, GIF, JPEG and BMP.

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT

ஒற்றன் - Ottran Tamil meaning of Scout

Ottran is a Objective C implementation of ImageScout, which works in swift too. It allows you to find the size and type of a remote image by downloading as little as possible. Now supports PNG, JPEG, GIF & BMP


Sometimes you need to know the size of a remote image before downloading it, such as using a custom layout in a UICollectionView.


Ottran parses the image data as it is downloaded. As soon as it finds out the size and type of image, it stops the download. The downloaded data is below 60 KB in most cases.


Installation with CocoaPods
pod 'Ottran'

Just copy and paste those Ottran.h(&).m files to your project.


The only method you will be using is scoutImageWithURI: andOttranCompletion:, with the following full signature:

- (void)scoutImageWithURI:(NSString *)uri andOttranCompletion:(OttranCompletionBlock)completion;

(^OttranCompletionBlock) (NSError *, CGSize, OttranImageType);

Here's an example:

    Ottran *anScouter = [[Ottran alloc] init];

    [anScouter scoutImageWithURI:path andOttranCompletion:^(NSError *error, CGSize size, OttranImageType imageType) {
            if (error) {
                NSLog(@"Error = %@", error);
            } else {
            	NSLog(@"Image Size = %@",NSStringFromCGSize(size));
                switch (imageType) {
                    case GIF: NSLog(@"Image Type = GIF"); break;
                    case PNG: NSLog(@"Image Type = PNG"); break;
                    case JPEG: NSLog(@"Image Type = JPEG"); break;
                    case BMP: NSLog(@"Image Type = BMP"); break;
                    case Unsupported: NSLog(@"Image Type = UnSupported"); break;
                    default: break;

If the image is not successfully parsed, the error will contain more info about the reason. In that case, the size is going to be CGSizeZero and the type Unsupported.

  • Error code 100: Invalid URI parameter.
  • Error code 101: Image is corrput or malformatted.
  • Error code 102: Not an image or unsopported image format URL.


  • iOS 6.0 and above.
  • Compiles with Xcode 5 and above.
