
Creates a list of recent problems given rating of the user

Primary LanguagePython


Creates a list of recent problems given rating of the user

How to use

  • In the initialize function, change the username to your username. This makes sure the problems solved by you dont appear on the list
  • In the save_list function, uncomment the commented lines if you want to save it to a .txt file.
  • Adjust rating in the lower_bound part of initialize function
  • run python3 app.py

and thats all you need to do!

Additional Features

  • FILTER BY TAGS: In the initialize function, you can add the tags that you want in the tags=[] list to get problems from that particular codeforces tag. For example if you want to solve problems from dp, add it as tags=["dp"] and if you want to solve problems from dp and greedy, add it as tags=["dp",greedy"].
  • MULTIPLE USERS: Suppose you are practising as a team or if you have multiple accounts which you want the app to consider, then in the initialize function, under the users=["your_user_name"] section, add your friends username along with yours. for example users=["Your_name","Your_team_mate","Your_second_account"]. (Thanks pshishod2645! )

Future Developmental plans

The whole app could be converted to a web app for easier usage. Pull Requests are invited!


Thanks to pshishod2645 for the idea and Mike Mirzayanov for the amazing platform!