This is my repository of the NLP specialization by Deep Learning.AI from coursera


  1. clone repository with git clone
  2. navigate to directory with and requirements.txt file
  3. run command; conda create -n <name of env e.g. nlp-specialization-hw> python=3.10.12. Note that 3.10.11 must be the python version otherwise packages to be installed would not be compatible with a different python version
  4. once environment is created activate it by running command conda activate
  5. then run conda activate nlp-specialization-hw
  6. check if pip is installed by running conda list -e and checking list
  7. if it is there then move to step 8, if not then install pip by typing conda install pip
  8. if pip exists or install is done run pip install -r requirements.txt in the directory you are currently in