
An application of the fractional knapsack algorithm through a task scheduler application

Primary LanguageJavaScript


an application of the fractional knapsack algorithm through a task scheduler application


Initial installation:

  1. clone repository by git clone https://github.com/08Aristodemus24/task-scheduler-app.git
  2. navigate to client-side folder and install dependencies by entering npm i in terminal
  3. to install python dependencies navigate to server-side folder with requirements.txt and manage.py file
  4. enter conda create -n <name of env e.g. task-scheduler-app-server> python=3.9.12 in terminal specifically in order to avoid package version conflicts

Running client-side application:

  1. to run application make sure to be in client-side folder with webpack.config.js file
  2. run npm start in terminal to start development server at port 8080
  3. write code

Running server-side application

  1. once environment is created activate it by running command conda activate
  2. then run conda activate task-scheduler-app-server
  3. check if pip is installed by running conda list -e
  4. if it is there then move to step 8, if not then install pip by typing conda install pip
  5. if pip exists or install is done run pip install -r requirements.txt in the directory where requirements.txt is
  6. once done installing you can run server on port 8000 by python manage.py runserver

Client side tasks:

Update react router code

To do:

  1. update react router Switch component to be compatible to version 6. Solution: remix-run/react-router#8753