=========== lolo-server =========== The goal of LoLo is to track when 091 Labs is open. Downloads ========= Driver: http://libk8055.sourceforge.net/ Python: http://sourceforge.net/projects/python-k8055/ How this works ============== In advance of installing lolo-server itself, you need to install and setup a few other areas so the board can be detected and controlled by Ubuntu. libk8055 -------- This is for setting up a Velleman k8055 prototyping board to work with Ubuntu Make sure you have build-essential and libusb first:: sudo apt-get install build-essential libusb-dev Download from site and go to extracted driver folder:: vim Makefile and remove the '?' from line 7: "PREFIX = ?/usr/local" make all sudo make install udev ---- The usb device permissions can be set in udev. Plug in the device and then run:: lsusb Check for the idVendor (before ':') and idProduct (after ':') values in the ID section. They may be the same as below.:: cd /etc/udev/rules.d SUBSYSTEM==usb, ATTR{idVendor}==10cf, ATTR{idProduct}==5500, MODE=0666 RUN+="/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/lolo-0.2-py2.7.egg/lolo/button.py" Plug out the device and reboot udev:: service udev restart Run:: k8055 in command line to test python-k8055 ------------ Extract the folder and install program:: cd <extracted folder> python setup.py build sudo python setup.py install upstart ------- New-age cronjob!:: cd /etc/init/ vim lolo.conf Insert:: # lolo - Labs On ; Labs Off # # Status updater for 091 Labs # author "author name <author@email>" description "091 Labs status updater" start on startup # run Lolo exec python /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/lolo/lolo.pyc respawn respawn limit 10 90 lolo ---- Installing lolo-server to Ubuntu:: sudo apt-get install python-setuptools python-dev build-essential sudo easy_install https://github.com/091labs/lolo-server/archive/master.zip ========================== Changing headers for CORS: ========================== For the SpaceAPI json file. Into your Apache server httpd.conf (or your .htaccess file of choice):: <Directory /var/www/lolo/json> <Files "status.json"> Header set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*" Header set Cache-Control "no-cache" </Files> </Directory> ================================== Changing desktop for boredom sake: ================================== This was done at MakerFaire simply to make the change more visible to people passing the stall. Add the each of the following:: subprocess.call(["gsettings","set","org.gnome.desktop.background","picture-uri","'file://"+self.PREFIX+"lolo/images/closed.png'"]) subprocess.call(["gsettings","set","org.gnome.desktop.background","picture-uri","'file://"+self.PREFIX+"lolo/images/open.png'"]) ... to the appropriate side of the if...else within the change_status() function in status.py