
My Website since 2019; built with React & Express

Primary LanguageJavaScript



I started this Website as is back in 2019 👴🏻. A lot has changed in version 2. It is not finished yet, but it soon will be. I would really enjoy hearing your opinion or suggestions for improvement. 😁
Inspect the result on Adiber.me


  • ReactJS - Frontend 🎨
  • (ExpressJS - Backend 🧰)



The frontend does, what it usually does - it renders the Website for the User


Does not exist anymore, because I have no credits on Azure left :( (Why a backend? - you ask. Well, because performance. I don't want to send requests to Github's API every time a user loads the page. And for the YouTube Data API this would not work, because after a bit of time the limit would be reached. Also I don't want the frontend to read files everytime a user visits my website, which is why I use the backend as an hourly updated cache.)


For (frontend-) deployment I used Vercel
I got my totally awesome domain free from namecheap.com also because of the Github Student Pack


  • Header
  • Footer
  • Home
  • Programming
  • Contact
  • Projects