
Get a public link for a local image, uploading only as necessary

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Get a public link for a local image, uploading only as necessary.

Images are hashed and then uploaded to a public host. The hash and resulting link are stored together, so future requests for this image will skip uploading and return the existing link.


Getting a link for an image:

hashbeam ~/image.jpg
# multiple images may given at once:
hashbeam ~/foo.png /tmp/bar.png /tmp/baz.jpg
# image path may be read from stdin
echo ~/image.jpg | hashbeam

Deleting upload for an image:

hashbeam -d ~/image.jpg
hashbeam -d ~/foo.png ~/bar.png
echo ~/image.jpg | hashbeam -d

Listing uploads:

# list all in `HASH: LINK` format
hashbeam -l
# list only hashes, seperated by newlines
hashbeam -H -l

Uploads can be referenced by their hash when using -H:

hashbeam -H f68f0e514a646ecea9ef18c3dafa0c6b
echo f68f0e514a646ecea9ef18c3dafa0c6b | hashbeam -H
hashbeam -H -d f68f0e514a646ecea9ef18c3dafa0c6b
echo f68f0e514a646ecea9ef18c3dafa0c6b | hashbeam -H -d

To delete all uploads:

hashbeam -H -l | hashbeam -H -d


Currently only Imgur is supported but additional handlers will be added in the future. For Imgur, you'll need to register an application and supply your clent_id. This is configured in $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/hashbeam/hashrc.json, which should look like:

  "handler": "imgur",
  "imgur": {
    "client_id": "CLIENT_ID"