
Simple command line program to change backlight color on Corsair K95 keyboards | MIT License

Primary LanguageCMIT LicenseMIT

Small simple program to change the colour of a corsair K95 (or K70) keyboard on Linux

Corsair keyboard Color Changer

probably broken and certainly badly written

Replaced my keyboard and no longer have a corsair so archiving this repository.

had a Corsair K95 for a while that I picked up on sale and decided that I was tired of the boring white backlight you get without the windows software
It probably won't crash your system or make anything explode but I wouldn't trust me
especially as it is intended to be run as root.

I have come to relize I have no idea if it's supposed to be wrote color or colour and that I regularly use both..

Compilation / Usage

you will need libusb.
compile: make;
if you define K70 (ex: K70=1 make) it should work with the K70 instead but I don't have one to test with.
usage: sudo ckcc -r # -g # -b # with red green and blue values of 0-7 (7 = off, 0 = max) to fill your KB with a given colour
your can also use sudo ckcc -f path/to/file to set individual keys from a configuration file (more info below)
ckcc -h to show help

Configuration file

see example_config.txt for a list of all the valid keys.
any keys left out of the configuration file will default to white or if given, the value passed with -r -g -b

whitespace is ignored
'=' (equals) is used to assign a value to a key
values are in Red, Green, Blue order seperated by ',' (commas)
key=value pairs are terminated by ';' (semicolon)

K95 512 color RGB protocol Reverse Enginnering thanks to CalcProgrammer1, these posts saved me from a while of messing around with captued packets:

More information on the RGB protocol in rgb_protocol.md