iOS Human Tracker

This is a real-time Human traffic tracker using Vision framework.

If you are looking for a MacOS App for analyzing Human traffic using existing videos, please checkout ItsukiHumanTrafficAnalyzer_macOS.

While tracking, a preview of the camera and the following data will be displayed.

  • The number of object currently tracked
  • Disappeared object count
  • Average time in second that an object is tracked.

You can tune the following parameters based on your needs.

  • FPS for processing: When set to 0, processing continuously
  • Max Disappeared Frame Count: If an object is not detected for a frame count greater this value, will be considered as disappeared.
  • Max Normalized Distance: If the centroid of 2 detected objects in 2 consecutive frames is larger than this value, they will be considered as different objects

For further detail, please refer to Swift/iOS: Real Time Human Traffic Tracker.

Prerequisite to Run


A demo can be found in TrackingDemoView.
