
Change your discord status to streaming without streaming

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Change your discord status to streaming without streaming

How to use:

  1. Go to https://discord.com/developers/applications and create an app
  2. Go to "Rich Presence" and add an asset
  3. Edit the function CustomRPC in index.js, replace ApplicationID, ImageName...
  4. node .
async function CustomRPC() {
  const ApplicationID = 'ApplicationID'
  let Image = 'LargeImageName'
  Image = await rpcGenerator.getRpcImage(ApplicationID, Image)

  return new rpcGenerator.Rpc()
    .setDetails('Name') // same as Name
    .setParty({ size: [1, 4], id: uuid() }) // Party size: [current, max]
    .setAssetsLargeText('Image Text')