
THIS IS JUST A MIRROR, CREATE ISSUES ON MAIN REPO https://codeberg.org/hkau/entry

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT

📝 entry

Certain features of this README only work on Entry! You can view this README at https://www.sentrytwo.com/what

Entry is a lightweight and anonymous Markdown pastebin written in TypeScript that allows for publishing Markdown documents with Markdown preview, easy editing, quick deletion, custom URLs, versioning, comments, media uploads and many more features.

Entry uses the Bun runtime. Pastes are stored in an SQLite database using the Bun SQLite3 API. Entry also supports using a PostgreSQL database through config pg.

The official Entry instance is hosted at sentrytwo.com, but any instance can interact with any other instance through the basic decentralization support provided by Entry.


  • Make sure you have Bun installed
    • Bun only runs on unix and unix-like systems (Linux, MacOS)
    • One of these systems is required to host the server, but it can be viewed by anyone on any system
  • Clone the repository and run bun install to install dependencies
  • Start the server with bun run start

Entry can also be installed using Docker. Follow these instructions to get started.

The main Entry repository also includes the source for Entry related packages. These can be found in the /packages directory. Install directions are detailed for each package in their respective README.


Entry can be installed through an executable. The executable will automatically install static files the client needs into the directory it is contained in. You can change this install location through the EXECUTABLE_STATIC_DIR environment variable. This must be an exact path to the directory you want static files to be contained in.


You can configure a PostgreSQL database to be used for the main paste database through the configuration file.

    "pg": {
        "host": "localhost",
        "user": "myuser",
        "password": "mypassword",
        "database": "mypastedatabase",
        // "logdb"?: boolean
        // "max_clients"?: boolean (DEFAULT 10)

This is recommended over the default SQLite database, as it provides much faster write speeds at the cost of memory usage. The logs database will still use SQLite unless you set logdb to true.


Once installed you can start (and build) the server using bun run start, to just build do bun run build.

Manually launch once after installing to start the setup prompts. These will allow you to set an admin password and define a different port.


Many features are able to be disabled or enabled through the server configuration file. An example file can be seen here. It is the file used in the primary Entry instance.

If your server is having cache issues you can add DO_NOT_CACHE=true to your environment variables. Contrary to what its name suggests, files are still cached! Though they are cache only for a day and in a private cache.

You can define a custom CSP through the CONTENT_SECURITY_POLICY environment variable.


All API endpoints expect a Content-Type of application/x-www-form-urlencoded unless otherwise specified, but the server can convert JSON to application/x-www-form-urlencoded if you use /api/json/{endpoint} instead.

  • POST /api/new, Create a new paste, expects FormData with the fields: Content, CustomURL, EditPassword, IsEditable, ViewPassword, ExpireOn, GroupName, GroupSubmitPassword
  • POST /api/edit, Edit an existing paste, expects FormData with the fields: OldContent, OldURL, EditPassword, Content, NewURL, NewEditPassword
    • Supports ?draft=true query parameter, saves changes as a new revision instead of publishing
  • POST /api/delete, Delete an existing paste, expects FormData with the fields: CustomURL, EditPassword
  • POST /api/decrypt, Decrypt an encrypted paste, expects FormData with the fields: ViewPassword, CustomURL
  • POST /api/markdown, Render any markdown to HTML using the Entry renderer (based on Marked)
  • POST /api/comments/delete, Delete a comment from a paste, expects FormData with the fields: CustomURL, EditPassword, CommentURL
  • POST /api/associate, Associate (Login) as a paste, expects FormData with the fields: CustomURL, EditPassword
    • Links posted comments with this paste
  • POST /api/metadata, Update paste metadata, expects FormData with the fields: CustomURL, EditPassword, metadata
    • The metadata field is JSON stringified, URI encoded and base64 encoded ON CLIENT
  • POST /api/media/upload, Upload file, expects multipart/form-data with the fields: CustomURL, EditPassword, File(binary)
  • POST /api/media/delete, Delete file, expects multipart/form-data with the fields: CustomURL, EditPassword, File(string)
  • POST /api/domain, Update paste custom domain, expects FormData with the fields: CustomURL, EditPassword, Domain
  • POST /api/disassociate, Disassociate (Logout) from a paste
  • POST /api/claim, Repossess an unused custom URL, expects form data with the fields: CustomURL
    • Also requires a prior paste association!
  • GET /api/get/{paste}, Get an existing paste
  • GET /api/raw/{paste}, Get raw paste content
  • GET /api/exists/{paste}, Check if a paste exists
  • GET /api/html/{paste}, Get rendered paste content
  • GET /api/comments/{paste}, Get all comments on a specific paste, accepts query string offset (multiples of 100, for pagination)
  • GET /api/group/{group}, Get all pastes in specified group
  • GET /api/owner/{pastes}, Get all pastes owned by specified paste
  • GET /api/media/file/{owner}/{file}, Get media

Most of the POST endpoints listed return a JSON object similar to this:

type APIResponse = {
    success: boolean;
    redirect: string; // the expected redirect location after the request is fulfilled
    result?: [boolean, string, any]; // server function call return value

Admin Endpoints

  • POST /admin/api/delete, Delete paste, expects FormData with the fields: AdminPassword, CustomURL
  • POST /admin/api/export, Get JSON of all pastes in server (decrypted): AdminPassword
  • POST /admin/api/import, Import pastes JSON: AdminPassword, pastes (with pastes being the JSON export from /admin/api/export) (multipart/form-data)
  • POST /admin/api/import/json, Import pastes JSON: AdminPassword, pastes (application/json)
  • POST /admin/api/logs/import/json, Import logs JSON: AdminPassword, logs (application/json)
  • POST /admin/api/mass-delete, Delete pastes by sql query: AdminPassword, pastes
  • POST /admin/api/sql, Directly run sql on the server: AdminPassword, sql, get, all (get and all represent the type of operation, get returns one result while all returns... all results)
  • POST /admin/api/logs/export, Get all server logs: AdminPassword
  • POST /admin/api/logs/users, Get all users (Returns pastes associated with a session log)
  • POST /admin/api/logs/mass-delete, Delete logs by sql query: AdminPassword, logs
  • POST /admin/api/config.json, Get server config file contents: AdminPassword
  • POST /admin/api/metadata, Update the metadata of a paste: AdminPassword, CustomURL, Metadata

(very basic) Decentralization

!!! note Encryption Decentralization does not work with encrypted pastes.

Entry supports very basic decentralization, meaning you can view and edit pastes from other servers on your server.

To view pastes from other servers, you open them the same way (example.com/paste) you normally do, but add an : symbol and then the hostname of the other server. Example: example.com/paste:example2.com

In this example, we are viewing the paste paste from the server example2.com on the server example.com. Editing and deleting pastes is also available for pastes from a different server. Decentralization only supports HTTPS, it is assumed that any secondary server provided is using HTTPS, and the request will fail if it is not.

Pastes cannot normally include any special characters besides - and _, meaning there should not be any URL conflicts.

Entry servers also export a nodeinfo file. An example can be seen here. This file details information about the server to other distributed servers, such as the number of pastes created.


!!! note Security Encrypted pastes are NOT fully private from the server owner, but they are from other users!

Pastes can be made "private" by encrypting them. This means that only people with your specified ViewPassword can decrypt and view the paste. The ViewPassword is also required to properly edit the paste.

Encrypted pastes cannot be decrypted from other servers, and the paste decryption form will not be shown. This is because the values for the decryption process are stored on the server (IV, Key, AuthCode), and it is not safe to send them back through HTTP. These values are only read when the server selects the record based on the ViewPassword and the CustomURL.

// GetEncryptionInfo, EntryDB.ts
// get encryption values by view password and customurl
const record = (await SQL.QueryOBJ({
    db: this.db,
    query: `SELECT * FROM \"Encryption\" WHERE \"ViewPassword\" = ? AND \"CustomURL\" = ?`,
    params: [ViewPassword, CustomURL],
    get: true,
    use: "Prepare",
})) as Paste | undefined;

Values are regenerated when an encrypted paste is edited.

Can be disabled through the server config. app.enable_private_pastes

Paste Expiration

When creating a paste, you can set to have your paste expire at a given time and date. When this time comes, your paste will automatically be deleted by Entry. This is useful if you don't set an edit password on your paste and are unable to delete it. Information about expired pastes is not kept after their deletion, and their custom URL because open again once they expire.

Can be disabled through the server config. app.enable_expiry

Admin Panel

Entry provides an admin panel that is locked behind a set password that allows the server owner to manage pastes on their server quickly and easily. The admin password is set on initial configuration, and stored (plain text) in data/config.json with the key admin.


Through the admin panel, you can view certain logs that are automatically saved whenever an event occurs on the server. These logs are not sent from the client. Logs can be set to automatically be deleted when the server exists using the log.clear_on_start option in the server config.json file. No events are enabled by default. This will not delete session, report or view_paste type logs, as these should be retained.

The following options can be used as events:

  • create_paste, fires when a paste is created on the server (Content is the paste CustomURL)
  • edit_paste, fires when a paste is edited on the server (Content is the old CustomURL and the new CustomURL)
  • delete_paste, fires when a paste is deleted on the server (Content is the paste CustomURL)
  • access_admin, fires when the admin panel is accessed (Content is the value of the User-Agent header, will be "?" if no UA exists)
  • session, fires when a new session is created (Content is the session User-Agent header)
  • view_paste, fires when a paste is viewed (Content is the paste CustomURL and the session ID of the viewer)
    • A "Views" counter is added to pastes when this event is enabled
  • report, fires when a paste is reported (Content dependent on the report log type, see below)
    • create, followed by the paste that is being reported and the CustomURL of the report
    • archive, followed by the CustomURL of the report that is being archived
  • custom_domain, stores data about a custom domain link (Content is the paste that the domain is linked to, followed by the domain)
  • notification, stores data about notifications (Content is the paste that the notification is on, followed by the paste that the notification is for)
  • generic, random events (most likely never used)

An example that doesn't clear logs on server restart could look like this:

    "log": {
        "clear_on_start": false,
        "events": [


!!! warn Security Plugins are given full access to your server. Please be sure you trust a plugin before adding it!

Entry servers are able to run plugins that extend the functionality of Entry.

Plugins only need one dependency, Entry. You can add this through using your locally installed Entry source, and running bun link to create a local link. Plugins will install from this directory using the bun link system.

Plugins can access the EntryDB class through global.EntryDB.


An example server plugin can be seen here! It is also important to build your server plugin file, as pages are written in JSX. An example build file (using Bun) and example plugin load file can be found here.

Please refer to the example files provided, as they walk you through the steps of creating plugins and adding them to your server through comments. Once you have built your plugin file, it can be added through the plugin_file key in your server config.

    "plugin_file": "path_to_built_plugin_file.js",

The admin panel plugin tab shows the found and loaded plugin pages.

Plugins can load HTML content into the site footer by adding an endpoint beginning with ._footer, these work the same as normal endpoints (implementing the Endpoint class), but their request URL will always be from entry:footer-load. The HTML they return is added to the bottom of the footer on all pages the footer is present. This allows plugins to modify existing pages and include their own scripts in the site.

If a plugin has an endpoint named ._set_plugin_dir and the pluginfile supplies it, the endpoint will be called with a request that has the header value of "X-Plugin-Dir" set to the directory of the plugin source.

I recommend placing your plugin file and the build file in data_directory/plugins

Paste Reports

Paste reports can be enabled by adding the report log type. With paste reports enabled, you can view reported pastes from the admin panel. The panel will allow you to view the contents of a report, as well as archive and delete reports.

Metadata Editor

The admin panel allows admins to edit the metadata values of a paste. Note that these values are not the record data (such as the edit data or edit password), but rather the unique metadata properties stored in every paste content.


Every color is customizable through simple CSS variables. You can customize the background using the --base-hue, --base-sat and --base-lit variables. The background is normally in hsl format, while other colors are in hex. Many of these values can be controlled using specific Special Elements.

  • --base-hue, The base hue of the background, int
  • --base-sat, The base saturation of the background, percentage
  • --base-lit, The base lightness of the background, percentage

Some examples are includes in the base stylesheet. The example below creates a purple theme.

html.purple-theme {
    --base-hue: 255;
    --base-sat: 50%;

User Settings

Custom themes can cause contrast and accessibility issues. The settings button located in the footer allows users to toggle certain settings to improve their experience on the website.

Special Elements

You can customize the way your pastes are displayed using some custom elements.

  • &!lt;hue&!gt;, the hue element allows you to control the hue of the page when your paste is rendered. It expects an integer.
  • &!lt;sat&!gt;, the sat element allows you to control the saturation of the page when your paste is rendered. It expects a percentage.
  • &!lt;lit&!gt;, the lit element allows you to control the lightness of the page when your paste is rendered. It expects a percentage.
  • &!lt;theme&!gt;, the theme element allows you to force a theme when your paste is rendered, dark/light/blue/purple

Entry also supports an easier syntax, allowing you to shorten elements.

<&!percnt; theme dark &!percnt;>

!!! info This is an advanced use of special elements!

You can add special animations around blocks of text. These are customizable animations that make pastes more interactive.

These are the currently available animations:

  • FadeIn
  • FadeOut
  • Float
  • GrowShrink (grow/shrink)
  • Blink

You can create an animation by adding the "animation" class to a special element, followed by the name of the animation.

<&!percnt; animation FadeIn &!percnt;>
content goes here!

Animation elements must be closed using a close block.

<&!percnt; animation FadeIn &!percnt;>
content goes here!
<&!percnt; close animation &!percnt;>

The animation element also supports more attributes to allow you to customize your animation. Each attribute requires the attributes before to be present.

  • Animation Name
  • Duration (number seconds, ex: 1s, 2s)
  • Delay (number seconds, ex: 1s, 0)
  • Repeat (infinite makes the animation repeat forever, set to 1 for an animation to play once)
  • Inline (Set to inline to make the animation block fit with text, set to full to make the animation full width makes centered animation works)

An example using all of these would look like:

<&!percnt; animation Float 1s 0s infinite inline &!percnt;> floating text! <&!percnt; close animation &!percnt;>

This creates an animation with that has a type of Float, a duration of 1s, delay of 0s, repeats forever and is inline with text.

When rendered, it would look like <% animation Float 1s 0s infinite inline %> this <% close animation %>!

Custom Footer Links

!!! info This feature is only configurable from the server settings!

You can added custom footer links to your server by editing the config.json ({DATA_DIRECTORY}/config.json) and adding a footer section. All links should have a label and href value. Links are organized in different rows. Each new entry in the "rows" array creates a new row in the footer.


    "app": {
        "footer": {
            "rows": [
                    "what": "/what:www.sentrytwo.com"

You can enable/disable the app name being shown in the footer on all pages using app.footer.show_name_on_all_pages. It is always shown on the home page.

Info Page

!!! info This feature is only configurable from the server settings!

You can add an info page that is linked in the footer as info. This link is only shown if the info key exists. This page will be opened whenever the info link is selected. This page is intended for server information and announcements, but it can be used for anything.


    "app": {
        "info": "/info:www.sentrytwo.com"

Paste Groups

Groups allow users to organize their pastes into different groups that are locked by a password. Anybody can view the pastes in an existing group, but in order to add a new paste to the group you must have the correct password. A group must not already exist with the requested name to create a new group. A group will become available once all the pastes inside of it are deleted.

Adding a group name will append the group name to the beginning of your set custom URL. This means the custom URL "example" with the group "example-group" would look LIKE 'example-group/example' instead of just the custom URL. This means that, if you add a group, you can have any custom URL you want for your paste. Adding a group is not required.

Can be disabled through the server config. app.enable_groups

Special Markdown

Entry supports some custom Markdown features that aren't included in the Markdown specification. These allow you to create more advanced pastes much quicker. Information about these can be found here!

Paste Search

Pastes can be searched (by CustomURL) in /search on an Entry server. Results are limited to 100 results per query and resulting pastes must be public. You can disable the search page by adding the app.enable_search key to your server config.

    "app": {
        "enable_search": false // enabled by default

Paste Comments

Users can anonymously leave comments on pastes through paste comments. For comments to work, you must enable comments in config app.enable_comments. When a comment is created, a new paste is created in the "comments" group. The content of this paste is the content of the comment. Users can associate an existing paste that they own to "login" to comments.

Paste comments are disabled by default. They can be enabled by changing config app.enable_comments to true.

Paste comments can be disabled on individual pastes using the paste settings menu. The paste settings menu can be disabled by changing config app.enable_paste_settings to false.

Users are automatically tagged with an association with the first paste (not comment) that they create. This can be disabled by changing config app.auto_tag to false. If you want to require somebody already has an association to create a paste, you can set config app.association_required to true.

Paste Builder

Users can build multi-page "pastes" using the paste builder. These pages are built using drag-and-drop (desktop only, manual move on mobile) components, allowing users to build with text, images, buttons and more. These pages are highly customizable, from the width of the containing box to the overall theme of the page. Users can also directly add CSS styles to components. Users can also directly add custom HTML to builder pastes, as well as add events to different builder components.

These pages can be published as normal pastes, and will open rendered when viewed.

A basic introduction to the layout of the builder can be found here!


Pastes built in this way follow a basic "schema" that is detailed in the types used for each node. This schema can be viewed here.

The paste builder can be disabled using config app.enable_builder. It is enabled by default.

Fields for a specific node type are handled in four steps:

  • The entry in the {Type}Node interface (schema.tsx)
    • Example: Size: number; in the TextNode interface
  • The handler for the --{Type} entry in the schema parse function (schema.tsx)
    • Example: --Size for the TextNode parse function
  • The style handler in the stylesheet, .builder\:{type} (style.css)
    • Example:
.builder\:text {
    --Size: 16px;
    font-size: var(--Size);
  • Adding an input in the sidebar (Sidebar.tsx)
    • Example:
    name="Text Size"

Adding a new node is handled similarly:

  • Creating a new interface and parse function in the schema (schema.tsx)
  • Creating the handler in the parser (parser.tsx)
  • Adding style attributes

Media Storage

Entry allows users to store media (photos) on your server for use within their pastes. Media is ordered by the owner (associated paste) that uploaded it. It is accessible from /paste/files/{owner}/{file}. On the server, media is stored in data/media/{owner}/{file}. Media can only be uploaded by users associated with a paste.

Media can be enabled through the config key.

    "app": {
        "media": {
            "enabled" true,
            "max_size": 52428800 // size in bytes, default is 50MB

Wildcard Domains

By enabling config app.wildcard, all subdomains that point to your server (besides www) will act as the paste view page, and will try to find a paste matching the subdomain to show. These pages have views and sessions disabled. With wildcard enabled, you must also provide an value for the server hostname. This is used to find the subdomain correctly.


    "app": {
        "wildcard": true,
        "hostname": "sentrytwo.com"

Note that wildcard paths cannot be indexed by search engines, and all relative links should redirect to the main site.

You can allow people to use custom domains and link with a CNAME record by enabling the custom_domain log type.


Every paste is given 10 revisions. Every time the paste is updated, a new revision is created for it. These revisions can be viewed as if they are other pastes, allowing users to iterate on versions of their pastes.

Revisions can be enabled through config app.enable_versioning.


  1. Make sure you have Bun installed
  2. Clone the repository (git clone https://codeberg.org/hkau/entry)
  3. Install all dependencies (bun i)
  4. Run bun run start to start the server
  5. Before committing changes you should run bun run format to format all files
  6. You should also run bun run test to make sure your commit passes all tests first


You can test your changes like you would a deployed version of Entry. You should also run the included tests before committing your changes. Run bun test to run the tests that are included in the repository. These tests test the memory and CPU usage of app usage. All tests should pass before you commit.