
Web application to manage trips for explorers

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

Acme Explorer

Acme Explorer web application to manage custom trips for explorers.

System requirements

  • Docker 20.0+
  • Node.js 16.0+
  • MongoDB 5.0+


  1. Clone repository:

    Assuming you have git installed and available in your shell's path, run: git clone <repository>.

  2. Copy .env.example file into .env file for the backend directory. Fill the relevant fields in it. Here is an example:

  3. The recommended approach to run the whole project (both backend/frontend) is by using docker, just do:

    docker-compose up gateway

    This is going to create a ready machine for the frontend, backend, redis and mongo where all packages are going to be installed. After that just navigate to localhost.

Alternatively check the README for the backend or frontend directory if you want to run them individually.

Basic use

To start the local server, run the command:

docker-compose up backend


When the container is created, the database is populated with some actors (all roles), trips, configuration, sponsorships and finders. By default, the users are (password: abc123):


The API is documented with Swagger. Check it out on: http://localhost:3000/docs/.


You can login (get the idToken from firebase without the frontend) by doing the following:

POST: https://www.googleapis.com/identitytoolkit/v3/relyingparty/verifyCustomToken?key=[FIREBASE_API_KEY]
Body: {
   "token": "[customToken from login endpoint]",
   "returnSecureToken": true

Please see the following video for an example.


If when starting the container, an error appears indicating that there is a package/library missing, run the following command in a different command shell and install the missing packages.

docker exec -it backend sh

If you have mongo installed in your local machine, there may be collissions when trying to use MongoDBCompass. If you wishto use mongoDBCompass, replace the port 27017:27017 with 27018:27017 in the docker-compose.yml. To connect with the database in MongoDBCompass:
