Install these and then copy my config files into your ~/.config folder
disclaimer some scripts and configs have my own home path, change it to yours or it won't work. ie "home/obsy/path_to_script" change "home/obsy" to your home path
hyprland-git waybar-hyprland-git waybar-mpris-git python rustup alacritty fish rofi xdg-desktop-portal-wlr swaylockd grim slurp mako wl-clipboard swaylock-effects-git papirus-folders papirus-icon-theme swww-git nerd-fonts-complete
cava cbonsai neofetch pokemon-colorscripts-git
ranger calcure btop nvim most
- calcure = calendar
- rofi = launcher
- vscode (mononoki nerd font + Gruvbox Dark Medium)
- Obsidian = markdown editor (obsidian gruvbox theme)
- Cider = apple music client (the music player, dark theme applied)
- nvim with nvchad and their gruvbox theme applied
- Alacritty (gruvbox material theme, JetBrainsMono Nerd font)
- Nautilus file manager
- Firefox with simplify darkish css theme (get started with theming firefox here)
- Waybar (the bar you see at the top, GE Inspira font used)
- Swaylockd (locking screen)
- GTK =
- Cursor =
- Icons =
- Papirus folders to change the folder colors in nautilus.
- for the base config