- I use this theme for gnome, I assume you already know how to install them.
- I use a little program called fetching to display ascii art in my terminal, instructions are in the original repo.
- For icons my go to choice is papirus dark with the brown folders option, again, instructions on how to install are on the original repo.
- Blur my shell
- Dash to dock for cosmic
- bluetooth quick connect
- just perfection
- rounded window corners
- sound input & output device chooser
- user themes (you need this one to change the gtk themes in gnome)
- I use the gruvfox theme with betterfox with the tabliss extension.
- Cider an apple music client
- Zathura the theme I have is here in my repo
- Fonts: CaskaydiaCove Nerd Font for rofi, vscode and terminal, ubuntu font for everything else.
- Alacritty as my default terminal, my config is here in the repo.
- Gnome tweaks for changing the themes and fonts
- Rofi a my app launcher, I got my themes from here
- Neofetch (my config is here in the repo, but here is where I got them, the one I use require installing some additional fonts, go to the repo for more info on that)
- Zsh shell (awesomepanda theme applied)