Advent of Code 2021


Requires Xcode.

  1. Open AdventOfCode2021.xcodeproj
  2. Run one of the two targets.


Target run Target perf
Purpose Development & debugging Performance measuring
Optimization none -Ofast
Runs newest challenge, once selected challenge, 100.000 rounds
Output Result Total & average timing; Result

Project structure

├─ src
|  |
|  |   # Main puzzle code
│  ├─ Challenges
│  │  ├── Day1.swift
│  │  ├── Day2.swift
|  |  └── ...
|  |
|  |  # Project specifics (input access; challenge list)
│  ├─ AOC
│  │  ├── config.plist
│  │  └── AOC.swift
│  ||   # Targets
│  ├─ run
|  │  └── main.swift
│  ├─ perf
│  │  └── main.swift
|  |
|  |   # Supporting tools
│  └─ Tools
│     └── PrintBuffer.swift
│   # Daily input
└─ input
   ├── Day1.txt
   ├── Day2.txt
   └── ...