
macOS WiFi Hotspot Captive Portal solver

Primary LanguageSwift


HotspotLogin is a CLI tool which tries to log you into WiFi hotspots with a captive portal.

It's based on my Python version hotspot_login, but better.

Features & how it works

For known WiFis

  1. Based on the SSID (WiFi name), it picks a "strategy" (see Strategies).
  2. The strategy sends the necessary requests directly.

For unknown WiFis

  1. Finds the Captive Portal by loading a known URL.
    If a redirect occurs, the destination is considered a Captive Portal.
  2. Loads the Captive Portal's HTML document
  3. Finds <form> elements on it and extracts
    • Target URL (form action)
    • Form data (all input elements)
  4. Tries to send the form with that data

This is where it currently ends. If the form data has to be modified before sending (like checking an "I accept" box), this already fails. (See ToDo below.)


Captive Portal URLs are usually only accessible on the local network, and therefore their domain names also often only resolveable on the local DNS server.

To make this work, this tool

  1. Finds the local DNS server
    • from either the last DHCP annoucement; or (if unavailable)
    • just uses the default gateway
  2. Resolves all domain/host names with this DNS server
  3. Replaces host names in all request with the resolved IPs, and sets the HTTP Host header
  4. (For HTTPS connections:)
    If a "hostname mismatch" certificate error occured, validates received certificates for whether the original host name (before resolution) matches

If this causes any security issues I don't know about, I'm happy to hear about it!


  • Allow the user to modify the form data (see above)
  • Daemon mode: Auto run when connecting to WiFis
  • IPv6 support
  • "Complex" DNS support (like CNAME results)
  • Find out if the certificate handling has issues (see above)
  • Support router advertised captive portals (if the OS doesn't yet)