AVFXTools (Dev moved to https://github.com/0ceal0t/Dalamud-VFXEditor)
VFX viewer and editor for FFXIV
I cannot overstate how in-progress this is. Here be dragons.
Go to Releases, and download Setup.exe
Parts are stitched together from the code of XIVLauncher and SaintCoinach because I have no idea what I'm doing. Thanks.
⚠️ Need to do another pass through, missed a lot of undocumented block (ex:NoAN
in Model Particles isNoANimation
) -
Only output avfx if assigned -
Show unassigned -
UI and Graphics AVFX need to independent objects (this will allow adding/removing particles without breaking the graphics) -
Add update button (will sync them: AVFXBase -> AVFXNode -> AVFXBase) -
Choose local avfx file -
Choose local mdl file -
Base parameters -
Particles -
Emitters -
Timelines -
Binders -
Effectors -
Schedulers -
Textures -
Models - 3D display of models
Maybe switch fromDragInt/Float
Separate popups for model / avfx - Option to remove model
Better theme - Choose game location + save settings
Scheduler addition + deletion -
Effector addition + deletion -
Emitter addition + deletion -
Timeline addition + deletion -
Particle addition + deletion -
Texture addition + deletion
⚠️ random (what do the random types mean) - random axis linking
- fix curves (some subtle issues, need to understand linear/spline/step stuff)
- gravity / velocity / position / air resistance
- Make sure bad bindings can be handled
Clean up console log -
Check transformation order. In C#, it'sT * R * S
(probably) - Perspective is off (see Omega), items are foreshortened
- loop start / end
⚠️ so turns out powder particles don't need to have simple animations turned on. oops. rework all of that -
draw mode (screen, reverse, multiply) -
culling type -
is depth test -
is depth write -
⚠️ soft particle - tone map
⚠️ how colors / color scale interact - brightness
⚠️ fresnel - texture normal
- texture reflection
- texture palette
- windmill particles (omega avfx?)
- laser particles
- polygon particles
- p
⚠️ olyline particles (needs work, see IR and temperance vfx) - lightmodel particle (what's the difference?)
- morphmodel particle
- decal particle
- disc particle (netural sect avfx?)
- collision
- rotation base
- depth clip
⚠️ fix powder particles (gravity, etc) - double-check quads (see Ramuh vfx)
- fix polyline (see IR and temperance vfx)
- texture filter
- CreateTime / CreateCount: what do those mean? They already exist elsewhere, why are they in the emitter sub-items?
- Create Probability
- Parent Influence Coords / Color (partially done)
- Influence Coords
- Influence Coord Binder Position
- Inherit Parent Life
- Override Life
- Parameter Link
- Start frame
- Injection angle
- generate delay
- generate delay by one
- local direction
- any direction
⚠️ cylinder emitter (partially done) -
⚠️ sphere emitter - cone emitter
- model emitter
- How does emitter movement interact with particle movement? are they bound?
- injection axis (partially done)
- sound?
- wut.
- pointlight
- directional light
- radial blur
- black hole
- camera quake
- How are emitters with a lifespan created?
- What does this even mean?
- clip
- start / end time
- parent influence
- wut.
- trigger kicks
- Bone mapping is probably wrong
- Origin
- Fitground
- Damaged circle
- By name
- linear
- spline
- camera
- bind to character / target
timeline clip
timeline start/end time
timeline parent influence
- scale / rotation / position
- inherit velocity
- life
- fit ground
injection angle
generate delay
binder rotation type
- standard
- billboard
- billboard axis y
- look at camera
- camera billboard axis y
binder ring
binder props
- scale, vfx scale
emitter looping
emitter effector
emitter anydirection
emitter types
rotation directions
- x,y,z
- move direction
- billboard axis y
- screen billboard
- move direction billboard
random types
- first +/-
- first +
- first -
- always +/-
- always +
- always -
generate method
- random to vertex
- order to vertex
- random on vertex
- random to vertex
- random to vertex without singular point
- order to vertex without singular point
- random on vertex without singular point
- rnaomd to vertex without singular point
color brightness
fix curves
lambert / half lambert
blending modes
powder particles
culling type
soft particle
tone map
revised values