
A django based open souce inventory and asset control system

Primary LanguageCSS

Django Inventory

Django based inventory and asset control.

screenshot screenshot2


  • Object oriented approach to asset and inventory management.
  • CSV import utility.
  • Per asset or per item type photos and information.
  • Match suppliers to item types.
  • Site wide search capability.
  • User defined states (broken, in repairs, etc) for assets.
  • An item can be defined as a supply to another item.
  • Assign assets to one or more individuals.
  • User photos.
  • Group assets, inventories or user per locations.
  • Purchase request and purchase orders.


  • Django - A high-level Python Web framework that encourages rapid development and clean, pragmatic design.
  • PIL - The Python Imaging Library.
  • django-pagination
  • django-photologue - Powerful image management for the Django web framework.

Or execute pip install -r requirements/production.txt to install the dependencies automatically.


Check the INSTALL file in the docs folder or if you are brave, copy the file install.sh file to your computer and execute it. This script has only been tested under Ubuntu/Maverick/amd64 w/ Apache2 & bash, revise it before running it.


Roberto Rosario - Twitter [E-mail](roberto.rosario.gonzalez at gmail)

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