Hosted Reverse Shell generator with a ton of functionality. -- (Great for CTFs)
- 0
Docker build failing because of fnichol/uhttpd
#181 opened by SkajpCZ - 0
Incorrect listener when using bash udp
#179 opened by RegularITCat - 1
- 1
Typo : One comma needs to be removed
#177 opened by mosecund - 0
Add a rust Reverseshell
#176 opened by PlexSheep - 0
- 0
pwncat needs more argument when on windows revshell
#161 opened by mirusu400 - 1
This function has crashed
#168 opened by Reelix - 0
enhancement issue. bash -c
#165 opened by omrija1 - 0
- 1
- 0
Fix Groovy Shell
#157 opened by godylockz - 0
Add powershell
#156 opened by xhzeem - 1
ncat udp/mkfifo could use alternate forms?
#149 opened by edwardsd97 - 1
[Domain donation] Would you like revshell.download?
#144 opened by whoisroot - 4
Cannot compile Windows C reverse shell
#147 opened by StarNumber12046 - 5
- 0
Reverse Shell Generator
#145 opened by ImThe47 - 0
Nothing i tried worked
#139 opened by ZhentorTheMaster - 1
PowerShell#1 reverse code does not work
#135 opened by wolfygit - 3
Self XSS (no impact)
#131 opened by 0dayCTF - 2
Shell prompt
#129 opened by reveng007 - 2
Some JSP revshell ideas
#122 opened by noraj - 2
- 0
Reverse Shell Generate
#120 opened by ShakeelPK - 2
Remove -l in nc revshell
#108 opened by clem9669 - 2
- 1
Python3 Windows (On Windows) still uses sh
#105 opened by Reelix - 1
- 1
Add ncat.exe option to nc listener
#99 opened by zmweske - 1
nc.exe wrong command
#92 opened by NotScortator - 2
ip input not sanitized.
#93 opened by 0v3rflow1 - 1
- 4
Incorrect URLEncode and Double URLEncode?
#82 opened by gblomqvist - 1
Add MIT License
#84 opened by wallofsheep - 1
Feature request: "Listener" card could update it's content depending on the type of shell
#75 opened by 0xless - 3
advanced cannot work
#74 opened by zhjygit - 1
- 1
Add Groovy reverse shell
#71 opened by explodeo - 2
- 1
Windows reverse shell in C won't work
#58 opened by 0xtensho - 1
- 2
- 1
Perl payload not parsed properly
#45 opened by Coen-Schuijt - 2
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