
0day Windows/x64 Inject All Processes With Meterpreter Reverse Shell Shellcode (655 bytes)

Primary LanguageAssembly


  • Shellcode Title: Windows/x64 - Inject All Processes with Meterpreter Reverse Shell (655 Bytes)
  • Tested on: Windows 10 v2004 (x64)
  • Compiled from: Kali Linux (x86_64)
  • Shellcode Description:
  • 64bit Windows 10 shellcode that injects all processes with Meterpreter reverse shells. The shellcode first resolves the base address of
  • kernel32.dll dynamically in memory via the Intel GS Register & host processes Process Environment Block (PEB). Then resolves the addresses
  • for the OpenProcess, VirtualAllocEx, WriteProcessMemory, and CreateRemoteThread APIs via kernel32.dll's Export Table.
  • Once all API's are resolved the shellcode then attempts to open a handle to other processes using the OpenProcess API via bruteforcing the PIDs.
  • When a handle to a remote process is returned, the shellcode then attempts to allocate writable & executable memory in the remote process using the
  • VirtualAllocEx API. If successful, the shellcode will then use the WriteProcessMemory API to write the Meterpreter shellcode into the memory of the
  • remote process. To this point, if everything has returned sucessful, then the CreateRemoteThread API will be executed to create a thread in the remote
  • process that will run the Meterpreter shell within that remote process. The shellcode then continues to bruteforce through more PIDs to launch more
  • Meterpreter shells.