
API endpoint for Bucketlists.

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


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APIBucket is an API service that allows users create bucketlists to store items. Bucketlists are initialized with a name, and an optional list of Items. Items are stored under bucketlists, with a name and a done-status indicating whether Item is completed or not.

For full access to the API, a user account is required. After registration, an initial request is made to log in to user account. This request generates a JSON Web Token, which is returned in the response. This token is used to authenticate subsequent requests to the API.

For full documentation, and usage examples, see http://docs.apibucket.apiary.io/

For API access, visit https://b-list.herokuapp.com

##API endpoints.

EndPoint Functionality
POST /auth/login Logs a user in
GET /auth/logout Logs a user out
POST /bucketlists/ Create a new bucket list
GET /bucketlists/ List all the created bucket lists
GET /bucketlists/:id Get single bucket list
PUT /bucketlists/:id Update this bucket list
DELETE /bucketlists/:id Delete this single bucket list
POST /bucketlists/:id/items/ Create a new item in bucket list
PUT /bucketlists/:id/items/:item_id Update a bucket list items
DELETE /bucketlists/:id/items/:item_id Delete an item in a bucket lists


OAuth access not yet implemented.


Web application is written with Ruby using the Ruby on Rails framework.

To install Ruby visit Ruby Lang. [v2.2.3p173]

To install Rails visit Ruby on Rails. [v4.2.4]


User authentication is implemented with the JWT gem. For more information, see https://github.com/jwt/ruby-jwt

User authorization is implemented with the CanCanCan gem. For more information, see https://github.com/CanCanCommunity/cancancan

Service objects were implemented by extending the SimpleCommand gem. See https://github.com/nebulab/simple_command

ActiveModelSerializer was used while serializing objects for JSON responses. See https://github.com/rails-api/active_model_serializers


Before running tests, run the following command to run all database migrations:

    $ bundle exec rake db:migrate

Before running tests, run the following command to seed the database:

    $ bundle exec rake db:seed

To test the web application, run the following command to carry out all tests:

    $ bundle exec rake spec

To view test descriptors, run the following command:

    $ bundle exec rake spec -fd


  1. Fork it by visiting - https://github.com/andela-toduah/apibucket/fork

  2. Create your feature branch

     $ git checkout -b new_feature
  3. Contribute to code

  4. Commit changes made

     $ git commit -a -m 'descriptive_message_about_change'
  5. Push to branch created

     $ git push origin new_feature
  6. Then, create a new Pull Request