
Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


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Ruby gem to interface with the Gobble-It API. API available at http://g-it.herokuapp.com/api.

It allows you create URLs by passing in parameters while running the gem.


Currently, the gem only allows you create URLs. It does not let you obtain your user details or any other information.


To install, execute:

$ gem install gobble


$ gobble -f [full_url] (-s [short_url]) -k [api_key] (--save)

Options in round brackets are optional.


$ -f full_url 

Full_url represents full_url to be shortened

$ -s short_url 

Short_url represents custom short link. Optional. If not passed in, a unique one is generated)

$ -k api_key  		

Api_key gotten from user account. Sign up on http://g-it.heroku.com for yours.)

$ --save	   

To save api key on your PC.)

$ -h

To show help message)


To test the application, run the following command to carry out all tests:

    $ bundle exec rake spec

To view test descriptors, run the following command:

    $ bundle exec rake spec -fd


  1. Fork it by visiting - https://github.com/andela-toduah/gobble-gem/fork

  2. Create your feature branch

     $ git checkout -b new_feature
  3. Contribute to code

  4. Commit changes made

     $ git commit -a -m 'descriptive_message_about_change'
  5. Push to branch created

     $ git push origin new_feature
  6. Then, create a new Pull Request