
🕒 Scheduled jobs invocation emulation for test environments (eliminate time traveling by might and magic 😈)

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Sidekiq::Portal Gem Version

hackaton slides: link

meetup slides: link

meetup video: link

Sidekiq::Portal - scheduled jobs runner for your test environments, which execution process must occur during the Timecop.travel(...) operations according to the scheduler config.

Each job starts at the time it was supposed to start according to the scheduler plan - the internal Time.current expression will give you exactly the scheduler-planned time.

Supports ActiveJob backend (Sidekiq::Worker coming soon). Works with sidekiq-scheduler-based job configs (sidekiq-cron coming soon).

Realized as an instance, but have a global-based implementation too.

Table of contents


  • in your Gemfile
gem 'sidekiq', '>= 5' # runtime dependency
gem 'timecop', '~> 0.9' # runtime dependency

group :test do
  gem 'rspec'
  gem 'sidekiq_portal'
  • run shell command:
bundle install
  • spec_helper.rb:
require 'timecop' # runtime dependency
require 'sidekiq' # runtime dependency
require 'sidekiq/api'
require 'sidekiq/testing'

require 'sidekiq_portal'


  • default_timezone - global time zone for your jobs (UTC by default);
  • retry_count - Sidekiq's built-in retry mechanism simulation (0 by default);
  • retry_on - retry only on a set of exceptions ([StandardError] by default);
  • scheduler_config - sidekiq-scheduler-based scheduler configuration ({} by default (non-configured));
  • Sidekiq::Portal.reload!(&configuration) - reload portal configurations;

In your spec_helper.rb:

# portal configuration
Sidekiq::Portal.setup! do |config|
  config.default_timezone = 'UTC' # 'UTC' by default
  config.retry_count = 3 # 0 by default
  config.retry_on = [StandardError] # [StandardError] by default

  # pre-defined sidekiq-scheduler configs (Rails example)
  config.scheduler_config = Rails.application.config_for(:sidekiq)[:schedule]

  # manual sidekiq-scheduler configs
  config.scheduler_config = {
    LoolJob: { every: '15m' },
    kek_job: { cron: '0 * * * * *', class: :KekJob }

# global state clearing logic
RSpec.configure do |config|
  config.before { Sidekiq::Worker.clear_all }
  config.after  { Timecop.return }
  config.after  { Sidekiq::Portal.reload! }

And in your tests:

RSpec.describe 'Some spec' do
  specify 'magic?' do
    Timecop.travel(Time.current + 2.hours) # magic begins here 😈


  • Job class:
class HookExampleJob < ApplicationJob
  def perform
    GLOBAL_HOOK_INTERCEPTOR << Time.current # intercept current time
  • Sidekiq::Scheduler config:
    every: '15m'
  • HookExampleJob spec:
RSpec.describe 'HookExampleJob sheduler plan' do
  specify 'scheduled?' do
    stub_const('GLOBAL_HOOK_INTERCEPTOR', [])
    expect(GLOBAL_HOOK_INTERCEPTOR.count).to eq(0) # => true

    # do some magic 😈
    Timecop.travel(Time.current + 2.hours)

    expect(GLOBAL_HOOK_INTERCEPTOR.count).to eq(8) # => true (😈 magic)

    # => outputs:
    # 2019-12-24 03:05:39 +0300 (+15m) (Time.current from HookExampleJob#perform)
    # 2019-12-24 03:20:39 +0300 (+15m)
    # 2019-12-24 03:35:39 +0300 (+15m)
    # 2019-12-24 03:50:39 +0300 (+15m)
    # 2019-12-24 04:05:39 +0300 (+15m)
    # 2019-12-24 04:20:39 +0300 (+15m)
    # 2019-12-24 04:35:39 +0300 (+15m)
    # 2019-12-24 04:50:39 +0300 (+15m)


  • Sidekiq::Testing.portal! test mode with support for :inline and :fake; (Sidekiq::Testing.inline! and Sidekiq::Testing.fake respectively);
  • support for ActiveSupport::TimeZone instances in default_timezone config;
  • rspec matchers;
  • #reload! should use previously defined settings?;
  • support for Sidekiq::Worker job backend;
  • support for Sidekiq::Cron scheduler plans;
  • more specs;
  • documentation and examples for instance-based portals (Sidekiq::Portal.new(&configuration));
  • configurable job execution randomization (for jobs which should be invoked at the same time) (randomized invocation and not - at the same time or not);
  • configurable in-line invocations (with job list config);
  • configurable and conditional portal invocation (run over all specs or only over the one or etc) (suitable for unit tests);
  • support for Ruby 2.7;
  • Time as external dependency;
  • getting rid of ActiveSupport's Time-related core extensions;
  • better specs;


Released under MIT License.


Rustam Ibragimov