
A short, top-down RPG about workplace safety written in JavaFX

Primary LanguageJava

ICS4U0 Final Project - Don't Get Hurt, Stay at Work

This is our submission for our final project in the ICS4U0 course, where we had to create a game with the topic of adversity in Java. Our game covers safety in the workplace, presented as a turn-based RPG inspired by Undertale. It is coded with JavaFX, so the project should be easy to setup within any IDE running Java 8.

Setting up source code

  1. Transfer the resources folder's contents into src (ex. Logo.png would be directly in src)
  2. Open DrJavaProject.drjava (found in the root directory)
  3. Ensure you have your compiler set to JDK 8. We developed our project under JDK 8.0_161 specifically. You can download it from Oracle's site
  4. Open Main.java, Compile the project and Run it.
  1. First, clone this repository (File > New > Project from Version Control > Git and paste https://github.com/0ffz/ICS4U0_Final.git).
  2. We strongly recommend using IntelliJ, as the project should be almost ready to work with, using it. Simply open the project's root directory in IntelliJ and the project should load.
  3. Next, go to File > Project Sructure (shortcut Ctrl+Alt+Shift+S), go to the Project tab and set your JDK to Java 8. You may need to create the JDK by pressing the New button and linking to where it is installed. On Windows, this is C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_<version> by default.
  4. Run the Main.java file under src by opening it, and pressing Ctrl+Shift+F10

Version control

This project is hosted on GitHub but also contains version numbers in the top comments of each class.

Version numbers

They are split into three sections x.y.z

  • x describes the overall state of the class. 1 signifies it is viable for the final product, 0 signifies it is unfinished.
  • y describes the date of the update.
    • 0: May 21, 2019
    • 1: May 27, 2019
    • 2: June 3, 2019
    • 3: June 10, 2019 - The final due date of
  • z describes the number of version the file has gone through, starting from 1.

If there is no author mentioned next to an edit, it has been done by the first listed author in the @author tag.


The basis of the GameRunner class originated from a Money Bag Collecting demo. The main aspects of code remaining from it are the input listener's ArrayList of inputs, the AnimationTimer, and the basis for the Entity class (ex. position, image and boundaries).

The system for resizing the game window was taken from here and modified to work properly, as it was originally broken.

The delay and repeating tasks used in battles were learned from here

Fixing concurrency issues with ArrayLists was learned from here

All resources and any other code were created by Daniel Voznyy or Enfei Zhang