Feature Pyramid Networks for Object Detection (Development Version)


This repo is based on FPN, and completed by YangXue and YangJirui.

Train on VOC 2007 trainval and test on VOC 2007 test (PS. This project also support coco training.)




Models mAP sheep horse bicycle bottle cow sofa bus dog cat person train diningtable aeroplane car pottedplant tvmonitor chair bird boat motorbike
Faster-RCNN resnet50_v1 73.09 72.11 85.63 77.74 55.82 81.19 67.34 82.44 85.66 87.34 77.49 79.13 62.65 76.54 84.01 47.90 74.13 50.09 76.81 60.34 77.47
Faster-RCNN resnet101_v1 74.63 76.35 86.18 79.87 58.73 83.4 74.75 80.03 85.4 86.55 78.24 76.07 70.89 78.52 86.26 47.80 76.34 52.14 78.06 58.90 78.04
Faster-RCNN mobilenet_v2 50.34 46.99 68.45 65.89 28.16 53.21 46.96 57.80 38.60 44.12 66.20 60.49 52.40 56.06 72.68 26.91 49.99 30.18 39.38 38.54 64.74
FPN resnet50_v1 74.26 73.27 82.23 82.99 61.27 80.59 72.73 81.37 85.26 84.76 80.33 77.43 65.31 79.18 85.78 46.47 73.10 55.99 76.11 59.80 81.19
FPN resnet101_v1 76.14 74.63 85.13 81.67 63.79 82.43 77.83 83.07 86.45 85.82 81.08 81.01 71.22 80.01 86.30 48.05 73.89 56.99 78.33 62.91 82.24
FPN resnet101_v1+ 75.71 74.83 83.55 82.47 65.49 77.85 71.74 80.98 86.61 87.14 81.02 77.76 71.26 79.82 86.78 51.64 77.45 56.12 79.44 60.55 81.69
FPN resnet101_v1++ 75.89 76.05 84.22 80.29 63.21 83.04 78.69 81.81 86.61 85.61 79.75 79.78 71.27 80.33 86.24 49.03 76.81 56.32 78.51 60.37 79.91
FPN_Res101_20181201(v1) 77.16 79.02 87.21 81.83 65.20 84.55 76.45 81.41 87.34 87.38 81.96 77.54 74.11 79.76 87.13 51.44 74.91 58.51 80.22 66.36 80.92
FPN_Res101_20181229(v2) 77.56 78.03 84.40 84.44 65.24 85.62 76.91 84.62 87.67 87.27 82.15 79.59 72.91 81.16 87.49 50.60 77.61 57.85 78.22 67.90 81.48
FPN_Res101_20181230(v3=v1+v2) 78.67 77.47 88.57 82.95 68.90 85.67 76.70 85.47 88.62 88.52 83.93 80.09 74.63 80.20 87.87 53.23 78.16 60.40 79.79 68.19 84.05
FPN_Res101_20190109(v4=v2-based) 78.36 76.59 88.42 81.42 69.53 84.15 78 85.92 87.25 88.14 82.61 81.65 72.11 88.38 87.35 50.14 76.91 56.95 80.07 66.39 85.18
FPN_Res101_20190110(v5=v1+v2+v4) 79.23 79.74 87.72 86.45 67.65 84.57 78.71 86.62 88.54 89.6 83.21 84.64 74.73 80.35 88.47 52.82 76.04 60.52 84.37 65.76 84.01

+: SHARE_NET=False

My Development Environment

1、python3.5 (anaconda recommend)
2、cuda9.0 (If you want to use cuda8, please set CUDA9 = False in the cfgs.py file.)
5、tensorflow == 1.10

Download Model

Please download resnet50_v1resnet101_v1 pre-trained models on Imagenet, put it to $PATH_ROOT/data/pretrained_weights.

Data Format

├── VOCdevkit
│   ├── VOCdevkit_train
│       ├── Annotation
│       ├── JPEGImages
│   ├── VOCdevkit_test
│       ├── Annotation
│       ├── JPEGImages


cd $PATH_ROOT/libs/box_utils/cython_utils
python setup.py build_ext --inplace


Select a configuration file in the folder ($PATH_ROOT/libs/configs/) and copy its contents into cfgs.py, then download the corresponding weights.

cd $PATH_ROOT/tools
python inference.py --data_dir='/PATH/TO/IMAGES/' 


cd $PATH_ROOT/tools
python eval.py --eval_imgs='/PATH/TO/IMAGES/'  


1、If you want to train your own data, please note:

(1) Modify parameters (such as CLASS_NUM, DATASET_NAME, VERSION, etc.) in $PATH_ROOT/libs/configs/cfgs.py
(2) Add category information in $PATH_ROOT/libs/label_name_dict/lable_dict.py     
(3) Add data_name to line 76 of $PATH_ROOT/data/io/read_tfrecord.py 

2、make tfrecord

cd $PATH_ROOT/data/io/  
python convert_data_to_tfrecord.py --VOC_dir='/PATH/TO/VOCdevkit/VOCdevkit_train/' 


cd $PATH_ROOT/tools
python train.py


cd $PATH_ROOT/output/summary
tensorboard --logdir=.

1 2

