Cli to manage multiple gitconfig with ease
gitconfig cli, helps with the tedious management of multiple gitconfig when you need to have different configurations per location. It helps to manage the includeIf sections
[includeIf "gitdir:/a/location/"]
path = /path/to/custom/gitconfig
It also offers a git config wrapper command so you can get or set configuration properties directly to specific location configurations.
Go to release page, download the binary of your platform / arch and start using it
There's a plugin for asdf to make it easy to use gitconfig.
# Having asdf installed and configured in your system
asdf plugin add gitconfig
asdf install gitconfig latest
asdf global gitconfig latest
Manage multiple location based git configurations easily
gitconfig [command]
Available Commands:
completion Generate the autocompletion script for the specified shell
config Executes git config [config-key] [config value] on an specified location
help Help about any command
location Manage a gitconfig location
locations List configured locations
-c, --git-config string Git configuration file (default "/home/user/.gitconfig")
-h, --help help for gitconfig
-v, --verbosity int Verbosity level from 0 to 4
--version version for gitconfig
# It prints all configured locations, in this example, theres only one location
# with key "github" that i use to my github specific configurations like
# changing user name and email.
$ gitconfig locations
| 0 | github | /code/ | /home/user/.gitconfigs/github.gitconfig |
# This creates a new location where you are in git repositories under /code
# with key "github" with the configuration in /home/user/.gitconfigs/github.gitconfig
# We can create it in 2 ways, BEING in the directory /code, or in any other
# but passing the location pamarater
# Option 1:
$ cd /code
$ gitconfig location new --key github
# Options 2:
$ gitconfig location new --key github --location /code
# If you check your ~/.gitconfig file, it should shown at the very end
$ cat ~/.gitconfig
# ...
# gitconfig.location.key github
[includeIf "gitdir:/code/"]
path = /home/user/.gitconfigs/github.gitconfig
# ...
Like using traditional git config
command, this is wrapper to allow specify the location configuration file to operate.
Internally, it just wraps git config but setting environment variable GIT_CONFIG
to the configured key location.
Note: if not --key parameter is provided, it will not pass GIT_CONFIG so will be a regular git config command. It is useful to check git applied configurations as they will be applied when running git commands in your system git commits, pulls, push...
# Get the property in our recently created location
# It is getted from a template
$ gitconfig config --key github
# Sets a different user name
$ gitconfig config --key github 0ghny
# Get the new name
$ gitconfig config --key github
# Being in /code/repository directory, we can test the git config with gitconfig as
$ cd /code/repository
$ gitconfig config
# 0ghny will be used as your name when operate with git