- 0
Separate the speed calculation from the pace
#38 opened by 0jonjo - 0
- 0
Refactor calculate methods to include options without checks, with checks and with clocktime result
#35 opened by 0jonjo - 0
Embed the calculation options (bigdecimal and others) in the creation of the Calcpace object
#32 opened by 0jonjo - 0
- 0
- 0
Create basic gem structure
#23 opened by 0jonjo - 0
Update pipeline - workflow of tests
#20 opened by 0jonjo - 0
Create an option to use miles
#17 opened by 0jonjo - 0
Minor refacts to methods be more readable
#15 opened by 0jonjo - 0
- 0
Create a basic github action to run the tests
#10 opened by 0jonjo - 0
- 0
- 0