OpenSim Viewer Backend

This folder contains the backend server for OpenSim viewer.


Requisites: Conda and python installed.

  1. Create environment using the environment.yml file:

    conda env create -f environment.yml

  2. Activate environment:

    conda activate opensim-viewer-bend

  3. Start server:

    python runserver

Instructions for database migration

  1. Create migration files:

    python makemigrations

  2. Migrate the database (warning: data can be lost)

    python migrate

Instructions for recreating ERD diagram

Instructions in this Link.

Instructions for localization

Instructions in this Link.

Inside of backend app folder:

  1. Create files for a language:

    django-admin makemessages -l <language-code>

  2. Compile messages:

    django-admin compilemessages

Instruction for testing

  • Execute all tests:

    python test --verbosity=0