
Database of issues organized by business logic

Database Structure

  • All issues are classfied based on protocol category
  • Separated issues based on business logic rather than technical issues. Focus is on understanding vulnerability from a business impact perspective (For eg. if re-entrancy A could cause loss of collateral v/s re-entrancy B could lead to inflation of reward tokens, focus is on business impact rather than re-entrancy)
  • Each issue has its own .md file. File name should be index of the issue
  • Each issue has following format
    • Protocol - name of protocol
    • Issue - issue description
    • Impact - impact of this isue
    • Code - links to actual code blocks
    • Recommendation - recommendations proposed for issue
    • Links - Links to audit report or git that discusses the issue in more detail
    • Learning - Key learnings (and this is important). Idea is to abstract the issue and have a key process/insight/trick to identify similar issues in future
  • Eventually, I will open source this and accept PRs from contributors. Idea is to share and help each other

You can reach out to me on twitter @0kage_eth