
Aranet4 Python client

Primary LanguagePython

Aranet4 Python client


You will need a dongle/adapter that supports at least Bluetooth 4.0 or higher and host stack that supports BLE features.

  1. Install BLE stack and bluepy:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libgtk2.0-dev libglib2.0-dev build-essential bluez
sudo pip2 install bluepy
sudo pip2 install requests
  1. Make sure that bluetoothd is running with --experimental. On systemd (sigh), try this:
sudo sed -i 's#/bluetoothd$#/bluetoothd --experimental#' /lib/systemd/system/bluetooth.service
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl restart bluetooth
  1. Pair device:
    1. Open bluetoothctl: sudo bluetoothctl
    2. Enable passcode support: agent KeyboardOnly
    3. Enable adapter: power on
    4. Scan devices: scan on
    5. When found your device, stop scan: scan off
    6. Pair device: pair <DEVICE_ADDRESS>
    7. Disconnect if automatically connected: disconnect <DEVICE_ADDRESS>
    8. Exit from bluetooth ctl: exit


Run script: python aranet.py <DEVCE_ADDRESS> [OPTIONS] Options:

-n          Print current info only
-o <file>   Save history to file
-l <count>  Get <count> last records
-u <url>    Remote url for current value push

Usage as library

You can use this in your own project by adding aranet4 folder to your project and in main code just import it:

import aranet4

device_mac = "00:00:00:00:00:00"

ar4 = aranet4.Aranet4(device_mac)
current = ar4.currentReadings()

print "Temperature:", current["temperature"]
print "Humidity:", current["humidity"]
print "Pressure:", current["pressure"]
print "CO2:", current["co2"]


Current readings

Input: python aranet.py AA:BB:CC:DD:EE:FF -n


Connected: Aranet4 00000 | v0.3.1
Updated 51 s ago. Intervals: 60 s
5040 total readings
CO2:          904 ppm
Temperature:  19.9 C
Humidity:     51 %
Pressure:     997.0 hPa
Battery:      96 %


History file format: Id;Date;Temperature;Humidity;Pressure;CO2

History file example:

0;2019-09-09 15:11;25.00;43;1015.2;504
1;2019-09-09 15:12;25.00;43;1015.2;504