
Analyse lipidomics data in mirage

Primary LanguageHTML

TODO: Add more to the title of your project here


This project aims to do lipidomics analysis and analyse correlation from other data outcomes from the MIRAGE study.

Brief description of folder and file contents

TODO: As project evolves, add brief description of what is inside the data, doc and R folders.

The following folders contain:

  • data/:
  • doc/:
  • R/:

Installing project R package dependencies

If dependencies have been managed by using usethis::use_package("packagename") through the DESCRIPTION file, installing dependencies is as easy as opening the LipidomicsMIRAGE.Rproj file and running this command in the console:

# install.packages("remotes")

You'll need to have remotes installed for this to work.


For more information on this folder and file workflow and setup, check out the prodigenr online documentation.