
Exadel Python Course 2021 for employees

Primary LanguagePython


Exadel Python Course 2021 for employees.


How to get started

  1. Install Python
    1. Download & install the latest Python version.
    2. Make sure that Python is available through the command line, check its location (where python - Windows, which python - Linux). You may need to update your PATH variable.
    3. Try to run Python REPL via command line:
      You should see output like:
      Python 3.8.5 (default, May 27 2021, 13:30:53) 
      [GCC 9.3.0] on linux
      Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
  2. Install IDE of your choice:
  3. Install git (if not installed yet)
  4. Sign up to GitHub (if you do not have account yet)
  5. Fork(?) this repository. If you wish, create your own private repo instead, but follow the structure defined here.
  6. Add your mentor as a contributor to your repository so that he/she can review your PRs.
  7. Clone your forked repository & run hello_world.py
    git clone https://github.com/{your-github-nick}/exadel-python-course-2021.git
    cd exadel-python-course-2021
    python tasks/task00/hello_world.py
  8. In the end you should see Hello, World! line in console.

Repository structure

Place your solutions inside tasks folder, create a separate folder for every task. Treat every task folder as a separate project.



Solution & review workflow

  • Create a separate branch for each task like:
    git checkout -b taskXX
  • Create a separate folder for your task:
  • Solve it :)
  • Commit & push your solution
  • Once ready with your solution:
    • Open a Pull Request (PR) to main from task branch
    • Add your mentors as PR reviewers
    • Resolve PR comments
    • Once PR is approved, merge it to main branch