
Python module to create MQTT entities that are automatically discovered by Home Assistant

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


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A python 3 module that takes advantage of Home Assistant's MQTT discovery protocol to create sensors without having to define anything on the HA side.

Using MQTT discoverable devices lets us add new sensors and devices to HA without having to restart HA. The ha-mqtt-discoverable-cli module includes scripts to make it easy to create discoverable devices from the command line if you don't want to bother writing python.

Table of Contents



ha-mqtt-discoverable runs on Python 3.10 or later.

pip install ha-mqtt-discoverable if you want to use it in your own python scripts. This will also install the hmd utility scripts.

Supported entities

The following Home Assistant entities are currently implemented:

  • Sensor
  • Binary sensor
  • Switch
  • Button
  • Device trigger

Binary sensor


The following example creates a binary sensor and sets its state:

from ha_mqtt_discoverable import Settings
from ha_mqtt_discoverable.sensors import BinarySensor, BinarySensorInfo

# Configure the required parameters for the MQTT broker
mqtt_settings = Settings.MQTT(host="localhost")

# Information about the sensor
sensor_info = BinarySensorInfo(name="MySensor", device_class="motion")

settings = Settings(mqtt=mqtt_settings, entity=sensor_info)

# Instantiate the sensor
mysensor = BinarySensor(settings)

# Change the state of the sensor, publishing an MQTT message that gets picked up by HA

# You can also set custom attributes on the sensor via a Python dict
mysensor.set_attributes({"my attribute": "awesome"})


The switch is similar to a binary sensor, but in addition to publishing state changes toward HA it can also receive 'commands' from HA that request a state change. It is possible to act upon reception of this 'command', by defining a callback function, as the following example shows:


from ha_mqtt_discoverable import Settings
from ha_mqtt_discoverable.sensors import Switch, SwitchInfo
from paho.mqtt.client import Client, MQTTMessage

# Configure the required parameters for the MQTT broker
mqtt_settings = Settings.MQTT(host="localhost")

# Information about the switch
# If `command_topic` is defined, it will receive state updates from HA
switch_info = SwitchInfo(name="test", command_topic="command")

settings = Settings(mqtt=mqtt_settings, entity=switch_info)

# To receive state commands from HA, define a callback function:
def my_callback(client: Client, user_data, message: MQTTMessage):
    payload = message.payload.decode()
    logging.info(f"Received {payload} from HA")
    # Your custom code...

# Define an optional object to be passed back to the callback
user_data = "Some custom data"

# Instantiate the switch
my_switch = Switch(settings, my_callback, user_data)

# Change the state of the sensor, publishing an MQTT message that gets picked up by HA


From the Home Assistant documentation:

A device is a special entity in Home Assistant that is represented by one or more entities. A device is automatically created when an entity defines its device property. A device will be matched up with an existing device via supplied identifiers or connections, like serial numbers or MAC addresses.


The following example create a device, by associating multiple sensors to the same DeviceInfo instance.

from ha_mqtt_discoverable import Settings, DeviceInfo
from ha_mqtt_discoverable.sensors import BinarySensor, BinarySensorInfo

# Configure the required parameters for the MQTT broker
mqtt_settings = Settings.MQTT(host="localhost")

# Define the device. At least one of `identifiers` or `connections` must be supplied
device_info = DeviceInfo(name="My device", identifiers="device_id")

# Associate the sensor with the device via the `device` parameter
# `unique_id` must also be set, otherwise Home Assistant will not display the device in the UI
motion_sensor_info = BinarySensorInfo(name="My motion sensor", device_class="motion", unique_id="my_motion_sensor", device=device_info)

motion_settings = Settings(mqtt=mqtt_settings, entity=sensor_info)

# Instantiate the sensor
motion_sensor = BinarySensor(motion_settings)

# Change the state of the sensor, publishing an MQTT message that gets picked up by HA

# An additional sensor can be added to the same device, by re-using the DeviceInfo instance previously defined
door_sensor_info = BinarySensorInfo(name="My door sensor", device_class="door", unique_id="my_door_sensor", device=device_info)
door_settings = Settings(mqtt=mqtt_settings, entity=door_sensor_info)

# Instantiate the sensor
door_sensor = BinarySensor(settings)

# Change the state of the sensor, publishing an MQTT message that gets picked up by HA

# The two sensors should be visible inside Home Assistant under the device `My device`

Device trigger

The following example creates a device trigger and generates a trigger event:


from ha_mqtt_discoverable import Settings
from ha_mqtt_discoverable.sensors import DeviceInfo, DeviceTriggerInfo, DeviceTrigger

# Configure the required parameters for the MQTT broker
mqtt_settings = Settings.MQTT(host="localhost")

# Define the device. At least one of `identifiers` or `connections` must be supplied
device_info = DeviceInfo(name="My device", identifiers="device_id")

# Associate the sensor with the device via the `device` parameter
trigger_into = DeviceTriggerInfo(name="MyTrigger", type="button_press", subtype="button_1", unique_id="my_device_trigger", device=device_info)

settings = Settings(mqtt=mqtt_settings, entity=sensor_info)

# Instantiate the device trigger
mytrigger = DeviceTrigger(settings)

# Generate a device trigger event, publishing an MQTT message that gets picked up by HA
# Optionally include a payload as part of the event
mytrigger.trigger("My custom payload")


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Users of ha-mqtt-discoverable

If you use this module for your own project, please add a link here.


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