{1} => Organize EveryThing

Create Folders [ Pages, Components ] -- In Components -- 1- create Popular file 2- create Vegiterian file

-- In Pages -- 1- create Pages File & render it in App.js 2- create Home File 3- Add Popular And Vegiterian in Home File 4- Add Home in Pages file

{2} => Popular Component

Fetch Data From API and make it async

  • run a function which contain fetch process in useEffect() to render only on begining the app -- convert data to javaScript Object by using data.json() --- save data in state ---- mapping on the popular state and return in DOM a div with key = each recipe id & title of each recipe

{3} => Installation Search About All Of It

1- run this in terminal --> npm install @splidejs/react-splide framer-motion react-icons react-router-dom styled-components 2- import styled from "styled-components" 3- import { Splide, SplideSlide } from '@splidejs/react-splide' 4- import '@splidejs/react-splide/css';

{4} => save data on localStorage

1- check if there is a popular value in local 2- true => store value and make it equal to the popular value 3- false => repeate the {2} step [Fetch Fuc**n Data]