A curated list of resources for Vyper, the Pythonic smart contract language for the EVM
The main Vyper repo is at ethereum/vyper and the Vyper Official Docs are on ReadTheDocs.
Join the Gitter ethereum/vyper chat.
- Additional notes install on MacOS
- Understanding Vyper by Blockgeeks
- Chainshot Challenge
- A day with Vyper on Coinmonks
- ERC721 Vyper Implementation of Non Fungabile Tokens
- Intro to Vyper Web-based programming by ChainShot
- DevCon4 Vyper Workshop
- Vyper and Solidity cheat sheet
- Populus and Populus Vyper Support
- Embark
- Truffle (compatible) Truper
- VyperWeb3Deploy
- Deploy to gnache, python script
Contributions welcome! Read the contribution guidelines first.
To the extent possible under law, Boris Mann has waived all copyright and related or neighboring rights to this work.