
Primary LanguageJavaScript

PROJECT FYRR: "Find Your Recreatioal Resource" (Final Name Pending)

INTRODUCTION --> “PROJECT FYRR” is a mobile app that helps people find under-utilized sport and recreational areas. It's a community-driven database of venues and resources, displayed in a simplified mapping interface.

THE PROBLEM --> Exisiting map applications (e.g. Google, BING, Open Street Maps, etc.) are too broad to provide users with detailed information regarding exisiting recreational resources that are availale to them. Oftentimes, non-corporate entities and lesser-known but perfectly excellent venues go unnoticed.

THE OBJECTIVE --> Improved Mapping Capabilities, increased level of detail on open source maps, this mobile application is designed to unlock the details within park areas and even one's own neighborhood, and enable uses of the application to find sporting and leisure activity infrastructure quickly, with minimal effort, assisted by their own local communities for any place on the globe!

TECHNOLOGIES USED --> HTML, JQuery, CSS (SASS, Grid, Reactstrap), JS/ES6, Google Maps, and MongoDB.


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UI/UX DESCRIPTION --> The application has a four page framework. Home page; links you to all other pages and also provides a link to the overall project summary The second page is where the user can draw (using the Google Maps draw tool) a polygon on the map to identify sporting infrastructure. After the user draws their polygon, it can be saved into a FIREBASE database.
The next page is called the markers page, here, user drop a point on the map indicating what sporting infrastructure facilities they are using and provide some general information about themselves The third page is called the all data page. This page is all the data captured within the application combined and visualized together. Polygon/KMZ data combined with cluster markers representing user activity.

FUTURE INCLUSIONS ROADMAP --> Nike Activity Tracker Integration - http://dev.nike.com/activities/list_users_activities