These python programs are used for generating and preprocessing the 3D point cloud from Bosch motors. They can automatically export CAD model of motors in Blender 2.9 with the help of Motor Factory. Afer that, they can be used for generating and labeling 3D point cloud data with the help of Blensor. The camera's positon in this process will randomly keep moving in the top of a sphere. The diagram of this filed is showing in the figure_1. We also generalize the RGB-images, normal-images, depth-images and semantic maps from the motor's CAD model with the help of BlenderProc. The results of them is showing in figure_2.


  • If the Blender 2.79 with Blensor addon is already be installed:
    Copy the folder utils_haodong into path : Blensor-1.0.18-Blender-2.79-Winx64\2.79\scripts\addons
  • Download the BlenderProc. Then please check the config file in /BlenderProc/examples/semantic_segmentation. We have changed position of camera and configuration of BlenderLoader in this folder to suit the position and size of our CAD models. The configuration of our task is be uploaded in this project. Besides that, a new empty binary file camera_position_zivid is also needed in this folder, which can dynamically store the random positons of the zivid-vision's camera.
Camera_position :
0 0 3.9  0 0 -1.57 
BlenderLoder :  
      "module": "loader.BlendLoader",
      "config": {
        "path": "<args:1>",
        "datablocks": ["objects", "lights"],
        "obj_types": ["mesh", "light"]

The other configuration, such as path to the configuration file, scene file and output directory, will be fitted at one of our main program at line 204 - line206.

Get Started

Generating Motor's CAD models

Run the Blender 2.9. Open a text editor in the working space and load the file
The path for saving the CAD models need be defined in the main function.

  • save_dir_TypeA1 -> The path of TypeA1's output directory
  • save_dir_TypeA2 -> The path of TypeA2's output directory
  • save_dir_TypeANone -> The path of TypeANone's output directory
  • number_motor -> The number of motors that need to be exported
def main() :

    save_dir_TypeA1 = "F:\KIT\Masterarbeit\Dateset\Test\TestforScript\TypeA1"
    save_dir_TypeA2 = "F:\KIT\Masterarbeit\Dateset\Test\TestforScript\TypeA2"
    save_dir_TypeANone = "F:\KIT\Masterarbeit\Dateset\Test\TestforScript\TypeANone"
    number_motor = 5

Generating PCD File and Numpy File of whole Scene(Plane, Clampingsystem, motor)

Run the Blender 2.79 with Blensor addon. Open a text editor in the working space and load the file
Then the following pathes and parameters in the main function need to be defined:

  • file_path -> The path of motor's CAD file
  • Clamping_dir -> The path of clampingsystem
  • save_path -> The path of output directory (Each motor from file_path will get a corresponding folder in this directory.)
  • scan_mode -> Working mode of the program. It has two parameters: 'single' and 'all_folders'
    • 'single' means only load one Motor with the clampingsystem. The choice of single motor can be defined by the parameter dirs. In this mode, the program will not export PCD and Numpy file. It can be finished manually in the Blensor's Propeties. So this mode is suitable for testing process
    • 'all_folders' will load all the motors from the file_path with the clampingsystem and export the PCD and Numpy file.
      The random position of camera will be stored in a csv file RandomInfor.csv.
def main():
    scan_mode = 'single'                             # ['single', 'all_folders']
    file_path = "F:\KIT\Masterarbeit\Dateset\Test\TestforScript\TypeA2"
    Clamping_dir = "F:\KIT\Masterarbeit\Dateset\clampingSystem\ClampingSystem.obj"
    save_path = "F:\KIT\Masterarbeit\Dateset\Test\TestforScript\PCD" + '\\' + Motor_type
elif scan_mode == 'single' :
        dirs = 'MOtor_0001'

Generating PCD File and Numpy File of only Motor with Background

Run the Blender 2.79 with Blensor addon. Open a text editor in the working space and load the file This programm will read the camera's position frim RandomInfor.csv, then scan only the coresponding motor with a plane(background).
It working similarly as pathes and parameter's configuration can be copyed from

Generating RGB image and Segmentation Map of whole Scene(Plane, Clampingsystem, motor)

If the BlenderProc is already be configurated, the Blender2.91 will also be installed with following the directory from the config file in /BlenderProc/examples/semantic_segmentation.
Run the Blender2.91 and open a text editor like in Blender 2.90/2.79. Then load the file
The following pathes in the export_png function need to be defined:

  • BlenderProc_path -> The path of of BlenderProc
  • config_path -> The path of configuration file, in the form of xxxx.yaml
  • camera_position_seg -> The path of camera's configuration file
  • SaveAsImage_path -> The path of from BlenderProc.

Remember to keep the space after the string.
Then the following pathes and parameters in the main function need to be defined:

  • file_path -> The path of motor's CAD file
  • Clamping_dir -> The path of clampingsystem
  • save_path -> The path of RGB image and Segmentation output directory. It can be defined as same as in the
def main():
    scan_mode = 'all_folders'                             # ['single', 'all_folders']
    file_path = "F:\KIT\Masterarbeit\Dateset\Test\TestforScript\TypeA1"
    filters = ["Motor.obj"]                                # No_needed obj file
    Clamping_dir = "F:\KIT\Masterarbeit\Dateset\clampingSystem\ClampingSystem.obj"
    root, Motor_type = os.path.split(file_path)
    save_path = "F:\KIT\Masterarbeit\Dateset\Test\TestforScript\PCD" + '\\' + Motor_type

Generating RGB image and Segmentation Map of only Motor with Background

Run the Blender2.91 and open a text editor like in Blender 2.90/2.79. Then load the file The pathes and parameter's configuration can be copyed from

Get the synthetic data for training

Export PCD and Numpy file for whole scene

If the motor data in the form of .mtl and .obj is already finished. Then run the


The noised data which special for the training of Neural Network will be exported. The variations is following this random field:

Variables explain random field
random_cover_position the positon of a surfuce over the motor x~(-0.2, 0.6), y~(-0.6, -0.15)
random_Clamping_position the positionof the two parts of the Clamping system Base_part: x~(-0.1, 0.3), y~(-0.2, 0.2)
Slind_part: x~(-0.655, 0.345)
Cyinder: x~(-0.15, 0.05)
sigma sigma parameter of Gaussian Noise (0.01, 0.02)
random_cut_bottom the lower limit when cutting the cuboid (0, 1/3)
random_camera_position the position of the camera
It is transformed in a Curved surface
r~(2.8, 3.2)
theta~(0, 15 digree)
phi~(0, 180 digree)

Cut the numpy file from whole scene into cuboid

If you want to get the training data:


else if you want to cut the test data from Zivid:

python                # depends on the zivid PCD is labeled or not

Then these numpy files can be used in SOTA-Networks-for-Master-Thesis-Semantic-segmentation-on-Bosch-Motors.
Remember to check the numpy file in the form of :

x, y, z, r, g, b, label