
Modified Wordpress image to be compatable with flist

Primary LanguageShell


Get Wordpress up and running on grid3.

This image Based on php:8.0-apache which is also Debian based.

What in this image

  • Wordpress 6.1.1

  • MySQL 8.0.32-1debian11

  • wp-cli

  • include preinstalled openssh-client, openssh-server, curl, wget, iproute2, and some other packages.

  • modified apache roles to avoid mixed-content error.

  • ufw with restricted rules applied.

  • zinit process manager which is configured with these services:

    • sshd: starting OpenSSH server daemon
    • ssh_config: Add the user SSH key to authorized_keys, so he can log in remotely to the host which running this image.
    • ufw-init: define restricted firewall/iptables rules.
    • ufw: apply the pre-defined firewall rules
    • mysql: configure and run the MySQL server.
    • wp: configure Wordpress and perform Wordpress installation using wp core install


in the grid3/wordpress directory

docker build -t {user|org}/grid3_wordpress_docker:latest .

Deploying on grid 3

convert the docker image to Zero-OS flist

Easiest way to convert the docker image to Flist is using Docker Hub Converter tool, make sure you already built and pushed the docker image to docker hub before using this tool.


Easiest way to deploy a VM using the flist is to head to to our playground and deploy a Virtual Machine by providing this flist URL.

make sure to provide the correct entrypoint, and required env vars.

or use the dedicated Wordpress weblet if available, which will deploy an instance that satisfies the above perquisites.

TODO: add terraform example file




TODO: should be updated to official repo.


  • /sbin/zinit init

Required Env Vars

  • SSH_KEY: User SSH public key.
  • MYSQL_USER: this will be used as a global username for MySQL WordPress, and WP-CLI.
  • MYSQL_PASSWORD: will be used as a global password for MySQL, WordPress, and WP-CLI.
  • ADMIN_EMAIL: this will be used in WP_CLI website installation
  • WP_URL: this will be used in WP_CLI website installation.

Optional Env Vars


  • MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD: specifies the password that will be set for the MySQL root superuser account.
    • Default: test
  • MYSQL_DATABASE: allows you to specify the name of a database to be created on image startup.
    • Default: wordpress
  • MYSQL_USER, MYSQL_PASSWORD: used in conjunction to create a new user and to set that user's password.
    • Default: MYSQL_USER: wordpress,MYSQL_PASSWORD: password.


Authentication-related envs in WordPress are set to the same values in MySQL. see Required section.

  • WORDPRESS_DB_HOST= the database host address.
    • Default:
  • WORDPRESS_TABLE_PREFIX= database tables prefix
    • Default: wp_

For full list of the ENV vars check the official Wordpress and MySQL Docker images.

Open your Wordpress website

  • $WP_URL: it redirects to wp template.
  • ${WP_URL}/wp-admin: redirect to wp control panel