
Python based BloodHound data importer

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python 2.7 and 3 compatible PyPI version License: MIT

Bloodhound-import is a tool to import bloodhound json files into neo4j.

Dependencies and installation

Bloodhound-import is compatible with python 2.7 and 3.5+. It requires the neo4j-driver library.

Install with pip install bloodhound_import or clone the git and install with sudo python setup.py install.

bloodhound-import will be installed as a global command. Usage is as follows:

usage: bloodhound-import.py [-h] [-du DATABASE_USER] [-dp DATABASE_PASSWORD]
                            [--database DATABASE] [-p PORT] [-v]
                            files [files ...]

Example: bloodhound-import -du neo4j -dp neo4j ~/Desktop/SessionLoop_20190115133114*.json

If the -du and -dp options are not specified, the tool will try to auto detect these values from the bloodhound config file.