Docker container for RE/BinExp

Docker resources to help with reverse engineering and binary exploitation. Mainly for CTFs.

How to use


  • Docker
  • docker-compose By default this is meant to run programs that are to be interactied with via stdin and stdout. However, you can modify docker-compose.yml to fit programs that bind directly to interfaces & ports or any other configuration.

First clone down this project and cd into it. Then create the target folder with mkdir target & copy your target binary into it. Docker will copy this folder onto the image during build. If you have other files, like a flag.txt file for a ctf, copy them into the project's root directory. Finally, run the following command, replacing [target name] with the name of your target binary.

sudo BIN_TARGET=[target name] docker-compose up -d --build

Now that it's running, the program will be availble on port 31337 of the local host interface. In addition to that, you can run the program with gdb server and connect to it for remote debugging. To do that first login to the container:

sudo docker exec -it binexp_docker-target-1 /bin/bash

Then, run gdbserver --multi localhost:8000 target/[target name] replacing [target name] with the name of your target binary. After that you can connect to it on localhost:8000 with GDB.