
Reddit clone with SvelteKit Unocss and Sqlite3

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Reddit Clone

The purpose of this project was to create a RESTful API and routing only with SvelteKit.


  • SvelteKit
  • Typescript
  • Joi for input validation
  • joi-password-complexity for good passwords
  • Bcrypt password salting and hashing
  • nanoid uuid gen
  • Unocss
  • Sqlite3
  • better-sqlite3 orm


  • full SSR
  • Routing
    • /new/user
    • /new/post
    • /new/subreddit
    • /login
    • /r/[subreddit]/[filter / uuid]
    • filter = new
    • filter = hot
    • filter = best
    • filter = top
    • /u/[uuid]
    • /vote
  • Up / Downvoting
  • Input validation