A little personal project to play around with different Android libraries and what not. Connects to Lobste.rs, a news site
Played around with a modular architecture, although for now there is a low number of features, and only two real library modules (:core, :lib-lobsters)
In any case, the structure as of the beginning of October 2019 is:
+--> :feature-front-page
| |
| V +---> :lib-lobsters (api)
:app +----------------> :core ---|
| ^ +---> :lib-navigation (api)
| |
+--> :feature-comments
Where :app is pretty much empty except for the manifest, features contain Conductor controllers, :core contains Android pieces that are useful in all (both) features, :lib-lobsters contains the access to the website (cached in a database), and :lib-navigation really doesn't do much besides put all the reflection needed for modular navigation in one place
Hopefully I remembered them all
- Kotlin
- Coroutines
- Conductor
- SQLDelight
- Retrofit
- Leak Canary
- Material Components
- Gradle w/ Kotlin Script and buildSrc module
- Dagger 2
- Paging Architecture Component
- Coil
- Chrome custom tabs
Night modeBetter comment rendering (HtmlCompat.fromHtml(...) is really inadequate)(URLSpan has been replaced)(Custom rendering with jsoup and spans)Settings page- Github releases, maybe
- Feature to see profile pages