
A simple docker wrapper (docker, docker-machine & docker-compose) for fish-shell.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


A simple docker wrapper (docker, docker-machine & docker-compose) for fish-shell.


# narwhal 1.0.0 (https://github.com/0rax/narwhal)

A simple docker wrapper (docker, docker-machine & docker-compose) for fish-shell.

    narwhal COMMAND [OPTIONS]

    machine [args...]
        Call docker-machine with args
        Alias for `docker-machine [args...]`
    compose [args..]
        Call docker-compose with args
        Alias for `docker-compose [args...]`
    [clean|cleanup] [images|img|containers|ctn|volumes|vol|all] [-f|--force|-d|--dry]
        Remove dangling images, volumes or exited containers
        The --dry options shows the entities that would be removed by a cleanup
    [env|unenv] [machine_name]
        Get fish-compatible environment for specified Docker Machine
        Alias for `docker-machine env --shell fish [-u|machine_name]`
    [mstart|mtstop|mrestart] [machine_name]
        Easily manage your Docker Machine
        Alias for `docker-machine [start|stop|restart] [machine_name]`
    status [machine_name]
        Get Status of specified Docker Machine
        Alias for `docker-machine status [machine_name]`
    ip [machine_name]
        Get IP of specified Docker Machine
        Alias for `docker-machine inspect -f "{{ .Driver.IPAddress }}" [machine_name]`
        Print this help
    docker_subcommand [args...]
        All other subcommand are passed to docker
        Alias for `docker [docker_subcommand] [args...]`

    [machine_name] represent the name of a Docker Machine.
    When not specified, it is set to "default" to better wrap docker-toolbox.


#### Using Fisherman (recommended method)

# This method allows you to update bd automatically via `fisher update`
fisher install narwhal

#### Using Symlinks

# This method allows you to update narwhal by just doing a 'git pull'
git clone https://github.com/0rax/narwhal.git ~/.config/fish/narwhal
mkdir -p ~/.config/fish/functions/ ~/.config/fish/completions/
ln -s ~/.config/fish/narwhal/functions/{narwhal.fish,__narwhal_*.fish} ~/.config/fish/functions/
ln -s ~/.config/fish/narwhal/completions/narwhal.fish ~/.config/fish/completions/

Using Make

make install # Assumes your fish config directory is '~/.config/fish'

Manual Install

set -l FISH_CONFIG_FOLDER ~/.config/fish/
cp functions/{narwhal.fish,__narwhal_*.fish} $FISH_CONFIG_FOLDER/functions/
cp completions/narwhal.fish $FISH_CONFIG_FOLDER/completions/

Use Narwhal as drop-in wrapper for Docker

Narwhal can be used directly as a drop-in wrapper for Docker, this way you can add alias docker narwhal in your $HOME/.config/fish/config.sh and use narwhal as if you are using docker.

The only thing to take in account is that docker help will now show narwhal help but you will still be able to show docker help via docker --help.

This will allow you to extend the docker command with the different wrappers available in narwhal. As for the autocompletion, narwhal inherit the system docker fish completion and extend it with its own other wrapper.

Note that currently, narwhal machine and narwhal compose does not have complete autocompletion for docker-machine and docker-compose.