
CS168 final project on spectograms, Emily Huang and Ishira Fernando

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

This is our final project on helping students better develop intuitions around the Fourier transform and spectrograms through building them from scratch and applying them to an interesting application.

Our colab can be found here: https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1kfUhFzG24xKHZ5QHeoLtfY7POA4szsJI?authuser=1#scrollTo=_fqsE-SjrCDI

Files included: Data README.pdf - information on audio data for part 3

code.ipynb - Python notebook for running code from all parts

homework_question.pdf - homework questions only

homework_solutions.pdf - homework questions, answers, reflection, and relevant links

*.wav - audio files for different parts (names are bird species and mystery.wav)

sample.m4a - audio file for part 2